
Sunday, April 22, 2012

(New Hood Visionary Turning My Vision Into Reality 2012)

Today I’ve learn that 100 literary agents rejected my book proposal for the second edition of my book. Praise God for all of my rejections for it makes me push even harder to share my vision to like minded individuals who want to about an alternative system that will be treat everyone equal under the law and in society. Without black support my vision is meaningless and the senseless violence shall continue and our taxes will increase Lord know I want to get GRCAM up and running today but if there is no interest then these social problems will remain.  The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America is based on my personal experience and the solution is the organization I am trying to promote to Black America and America in general.


This book is an auto-biography about my personal experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago. Experience is the best teacher and I am the best qualified person to write this book as it pertains to my own experience. In addition to the marketing and selling of  “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America,” In addition, I wrote this book to promote my organization "The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement" It has three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. The platform of my book is based on the vision I have about how to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general.

Chapter One: My Testimony

This book begins with my experience living in the black ghetto/ the hood, and how I was
illegally removed from my home and thrust into the foster care system and the abuse that I

Chapter Two: Freedom

I explain about my return to my family and my experience living in the hood and my ordeal

trying to survive in a hostile environment during my teen years. Hearing stories about my friends
and neighbors being beaten or killed on a daily basis.

Chapter Three: On Faith

In chapter three I explain what Christian socialism means to me and about my personal
relationship with my creator as well as the vision he has given me in spiritual terms. I also
discuss my experience growing up in the black church and the problem with black church today.

Chapter Four: The Black Community

I do a self analysis about the conditions facing the black community and what we can do

collectively to solve our social problems by using GRCAM as a new method to solve our issues
once and for all.

Chapter Five: Leveling The Playing Field

I discuss how institutionalized racism and structural inequality has played a role in robbing the

urban community and how public education, real estate companies, and insurance companies
have influence the social conditions in the black ghettos in this day and age.

Chapter Six: The Drug Problem

I explain how we can effectively solve most or all of the drug problem in our neighborhood and
in our country.

Chapter Seven: My Political Views

I provide my own personal political views on how to confront gun violence, poverty, and
structural inequality in America and how we can collectively change our city and state laws. I
discuss why African Americans and others should join the Grass Roots Community Activist
Movement. I express my personal views about capitalism and give a complete history and
definition of it as well as democratic socialism.

Chapter Eight: The Right Path

This is my message to generation Y and young adults to see the value of joining The Grass Roots

Community Activist Movement.

Chapter Nine: The Talk

I discuss STD’s the history of sexually transmitted disease in America.

Chapter Ten: The Plan/ The Road Map

This is the most important chapter in the book because I lay out all of the principles that

everyone must accept in order for the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement to be
effective under capitalism.

Chapter Eleven: Hood Awakening

I discuss my vision of a better society in which all of us can reach our life goals without

continuing being victims of the system. Recruiting my supporters from around the globe to assist me in getting this organization up and running starting in Chicago. One mind one voice.

Chicago Homicide:

My Book Links


Barnes And Noble:


 My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

My Organization GRCAM:

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