
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Join The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement Today

Dear friends & associates

I am just about finish with gathering all of my documents to submit to my state and gain a tax exempt status except one thing I don't have anyone on my board of directors. My own kind would rather find fault in what I am trying to do instead of working with me to make this a successful effective organization for our youth and others in the hood. If Illegal immigrates can gain support from their own to help them become U.S. citizen's why can't we as Black People support real brothers like me and my cause to create jobs in the hood and bring businesses to our brothers and sisters who are trapped in American ghettos?

Because we don't see working class blacks and underclass blacks as part of our group. Class-ism, Racism, and Capitalism has totally affected our sense of togetherness. My organization mission is to Reclaim, Rebuild, and Restore not only the urban ghettos in America but also our culture as a whole. Can I get some support from real brothers, sisters, and others to help me get this organization up and running? If no one is going to take a stand for our children who will? If interested please contact me on facebook and e-mail me your first name and e-mail address as well as your contact number. In turn I will send you my contact information along with my contact number so that I can interact with you directly.

My facebook Info is as follows:

Please read my web journal entry entitled "Real Talk:Manwell's Rescue Plan" on May 12th,2010

My Prayer Group: Light OF The World Inspirational Group:

My Community Activist Group:

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement: