
Friday, September 21, 2012

Yahoo Conference Next Friday

I am Inviting everyone on my Friends List to participate in my free online Yahoo conference on Yahoo Messenger.  I have sent out 2,538 invitations only 48 people have responded but I only have two people that added my Yahoo email  which is ( please add my Yahoo email to your contact list and I will do the same. Our people are forever complaining about the lack of jobs and unity in our community well my organization is willing to change that argument if you work with me.  All I ask is that you read at least 20 of my Blog Site entries below so that you can have an understanding about what I am trying to do not only for my city but also your city and for the black race worldwide.  I want us to use our conference time productively that’s why I want you to read my blog entries then I want each person to say their first name and ask me three questions about me, my book, and or my organization GRCAM.  We will be using my as is book until I am able to find a literary agent that will have my revised book re-published by a more professional publisher who will value my work. Then I will do a book tour in 25 states in America.  I want those of you who are serious about working with me to be my contact person when I come to your city.  If you can find 300 people are more then I will come and talk in community centers, churches, colleges/universities, mosques, and any social event that will support my cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.”   Once my book becomes a best seller then I plan on turning it into a movie to reach those who don’t read.  The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is for ordinary law abiding citizens. Our focus will be on creating legitimate jobs in the low income African American community so that our people don’t have to become career criminals.  Our social  component will assist single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families with goods and services so that our people who reside in those communities can raise their children with dignity and in peace.
Our spiritual component will meet the need to assist others in their spiritual growth by given a clear understand of God’s kingdom and their purpose in this organization.  Our political component will create our own political party called the democratic socialist party which will deal with changing the current gun laws one city one state at a time.  

GRCAM will unite Black America and provide jobs to the middle class, the working class and the underclass. GRCAM is also open to other racial groups and we will do cooperative alliances with organizations beyond the black community. If you join my organization I will work with you and your immediate family for life as long as you remain a member that’s real talk.  Those that will join my management team (board of directors/advisory board)  you must read my entire book and agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book.  Then I invite you to come to Chicago and work with me directly in turning my vision into reality. Once we’re established in Chicago we will then set up chapters in 25 cities and states in America.  Once we’re established in 25 states then we will expand GRCAM to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. This is my contribution back to my community and to my people worldwide.  Help me with starting this organization and you will go down in history for I share the spot light with those who are sincere and want to help improve the life of black people.

WHEN September 28th, 2012

WHERE Online on Yahoo Messenger

TIME 2:00PM - 5:00PM Central Time

TIME 7:00PM - 2:00AM Central Time

Instructions on how to gain access to the online conference on Yahoo Messenger:

1. Go to Yahoo Messenger Icon

2. Login

3. Move cursor to top of page and select contacts then add my email (

4. Then select actions and scroll down to invite to conference OR more actions then select invite to view webcam.

I have decided to extend the time frame for my foreign friends in Africa, Canada, Caribbean Islands, and Europe so they too can participate in this discussion. I am looking forward to seeing you all participate in my Yahoo online conference so that you will have a greater understanding of what I am trying to do in the African American community and for the black race worldwide. Remember to send me your Yahoo email to my facebook page and I will do the same. Remember to register in my Yahoo Group, Google Plus Page, and my Facebook cause to have direct access to me and my supporters from around the globe. Finally in the month of October I will be hosting a conference on Google Plus. Christian socialist on the scene Peace & Blessings

My Book Interview:



My You Tube Video:



My Facebook Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos


My Google Plus Page:


My Yahoo online Group: The Grass Roots Community Activist Group  


My Book Links


Barnes And Noble



Show & Prove   (this is just a portion of the 300 social networks I am on)

My Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos


* My Google Groups:

* My MSN Groups:

* My Yahoo Groups:

My Organization GRCAM

My Virtual Communities:



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