President Barack Obama won the presidency because he had help from the public. All athlete depends on other team members to play their role in helping their team win a sporting event. All foreigners who have relatives here in the U.S. depend on one another to assist them with finding working and living the American Dream. Willie Lynch is still alive and well in the black community. We as Black Americans have been brain washed because we view each other as a competitor and furthermore we have become Americanized “I got mind your get yours” mentality. My organization is open to middle class, working class, and underclass blacks so that we can heal collectively from the scars of slavery and work together to improve our community and deal with unresolved issues once and for all. In addition, all racial groups and law abiding citizens are welcome to join the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement just as long as they agree with all of the principles in my book no exceptions. I am looking for qualified individuals who agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” to help me run this organization by next year God willing. I will continue to hold online conferences in order to get others on my friends list to interact with me directly and encourage others to purchase my book and join my cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.” Instead of chasing the stars “celebrities” GRCAM will focus on ordinary people and given them a chance to live their dreams/life goals. We will produce local talent show and live performances in our community. We will create our own music and a host of other things which I have written in my book. In October I will be hosting my online conferences from my Google Plus Page.
What do I want from others?
I want everyone on my page to first read 20 of my blog entries, if you think this is the right organization for you then I recommend that you purchase my book and read the entire book. If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then send me your Yahoo emai to my facebook inbox so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. My Skype screen name is manwell4mankind. I am asking other authors, journalist, and people connected with media to assist me with finding a legitimate literary agent so that my revised book can be published by a more professional company. I also plan on turning my book into a movie to reach the masses who may not want to read. I will also do a book tour when my revised book is published to 25 states in order to promote my book and recruit others to join GRCAM.
I want all of my Christian friends and associates with titles and without titles to purchase my book and read the entire book. If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then send me your Yahoo emai to my facebook inbox so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. Participate in my online conferences and allow me to speak at your church or if you have an online program please allow me to share my vision to your audience.
I want all of my Muslim friends and associates to be part of this organization too. You have a right to your own beliefs. Once GRCAM is established in 25 states in America we will expand to Africa and teach our Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters on how to co-exist without killing each other. Muslims took part in the Civil Rights Movement and play a vital role in our community. In GRCAM we will respect each other’s religious believe. If I have enough space we will have our spiritual component which will consist of a Christian department and a Islamic department. Bottom line we will pool our resources together just like foreigners when they arrive in this country.
I want all of my secular friends and associates to feel welcome in GRCAM. My spiritual component will be optional for you we won’t impose our believes on you but as Christians we will be praying for everyone in our organization. You can reject Jesus and religion but you will have to accept my vision and all of the principles in my book as well as sign a consent form so that you would be placed in our database.
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My Book Interview
My You Tube Video
My Book Links
Amazon or-Black-America/dp/1450041116/ref=sr_1_ 3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1331411589&sr=1-3
Barnes And Noble lution-for-Black-America/Emmanuel-Barbee/e/9 781450041102/?itm=2&USRI=The+Solution+For+Black+America
Xlibris display.aspx?bookid=76565
My Cause – Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos p-stop-the-genocide-in-american-ghettos?m=5 09f6ac8
My Facebook Fan Page!/newurbanaut horandnewhoodvisionary
My Google Plus Fan Page 153690#115565856699257153690
Current Mood:
What do I want from others?
I want everyone on my page to first read 20 of my blog entries, if you think this is the right organization for you then I recommend that you purchase my book and read the entire book. If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then send me your Yahoo emai to my facebook inbox so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. My Skype screen name is manwell4mankind. I am asking other authors, journalist, and people connected with media to assist me with finding a legitimate literary agent so that my revised book can be published by a more professional company. I also plan on turning my book into a movie to reach the masses who may not want to read. I will also do a book tour when my revised book is published to 25 states in order to promote my book and recruit others to join GRCAM.
I want all of my Christian friends and associates with titles and without titles to purchase my book and read the entire book. If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then send me your Yahoo emai to my facebook inbox so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. Participate in my online conferences and allow me to speak at your church or if you have an online program please allow me to share my vision to your audience.
I want all of my Muslim friends and associates to be part of this organization too. You have a right to your own beliefs. Once GRCAM is established in 25 states in America we will expand to Africa and teach our Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters on how to co-exist without killing each other. Muslims took part in the Civil Rights Movement and play a vital role in our community. In GRCAM we will respect each other’s religious believe. If I have enough space we will have our spiritual component which will consist of a Christian department and a Islamic department. Bottom line we will pool our resources together just like foreigners when they arrive in this country.
I want all of my secular friends and associates to feel welcome in GRCAM. My spiritual component will be optional for you we won’t impose our believes on you but as Christians we will be praying for everyone in our organization. You can reject Jesus and religion but you will have to accept my vision and all of the principles in my book as well as sign a consent form so that you would be placed in our database.
Show & Prove
My Book Interview
My You Tube Video
My Book Links
Barnes And Noble
My Cause – Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos
My Facebook Fan Page!/newurbanaut
My Google Plus Fan Page
Current Mood:
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