
Thursday, August 25, 2011

My creator has given me the answer on how to end gun violence in America. However I have no one to help turn my vision into reality. How long must I wait?

Hello, my name is Emmanuel Barbee. I am a new urban author as well as a new entrepreneur. I refuse to continue to wait on old school Civil Right's leaders like Operation Push, Chicago NAACP and the Chicago Urban League to decide when they want to work with me. The established Civil Right's Movement are unwilling to allow fresh ideas to have a voice. It's time for a new generation of leaders, drawn from the masses, not the elite.

This is why I wrote my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" In order to attract others beyond Chicago to come to Chicago and work with me directly in getting my organization (The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement) up and running both on the Westside of Chicago and on the Southside of Chicago and in time in every major city in America. GRCAM will provide to Black America a new political party to overcome Black America's dependency on the current political, economic policies. Back in the 60's we came from the North to help fight against Jim Crow in the south today we need help in Chicago ghettos.

My creator has given me the answer on how to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in America. All I need is a chance to prove myself this is why I am so passionate about trying to get only 30 black professionals in America to join my board of directors and turn my vision into reality. I will provide an incentive once we're established. To learn more about me check me out on my web journal  below.

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