I am inviting everyone on my friends list and in my social groups to participate on my Blogtalkradio once a month on the last Friday of the month I will host my Blogtalkradio show. Feel free to leave comments in each show. You can contact me at(347)324-5232. If you missed my last talk show, it's always available to listen in the archives under episodes.
The purpose
Genocide is not an easy topic to talk about but we need to address it in our society. The main reason why I wrote my book is to raise awareness about genocide within our inner cities in America. I want to connect with other liked minded individuals, who are concerned about black issues, the black community, and the black family. Those who purchased my book and agree with my plan to improve Urban America I will promote your Business, Ministries, or Music on my Blogtalkradio show for 10 minutes. If you missed my last talk show, it’s always available to listen in the archives under episodes. You can chat live with me during my podcast on my Blogtalkradio by clicking on the weblink below.
Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos is a Blogtalkradio show created by Emmanuel Barbee. His show strives to offer a more insightful and deeper look into the social, cultural, and political issues that are affecting the African American community. This show will "Unite Voices and Change Lives" by providing a variety of guest who will motivate, educate, entertain, inspire, and positively impact the lives of others. Emmanuel Barbee is an upcoming social entrepreneur as well as a new urban author of the book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" Second Edition. This book is an auto-biography about his experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago. He wrote this book to raise awareness about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America.
Another reason why he wrote his book is to promote his organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. GRCAM will become a private for profit multi-service based business. It will have three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. Our focus is on providing goods and services to the low income African American community and working directly with single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families within the communities and cities we will serve. Finally, he wrote his book in order to generate capital/seed money so that he can hire thirty qualified individuals to assist him with the daily operations of his business. Our agenda is to end urban violence, gun violence, poverty, structural inequality, institutionalized racism, and police brutality within the communities and cities we will serve.
The Vision
With the rise in violence, increasing high school drop outs, and underperforming schools many parents are taking their children’s education very personal. Our focus is on solving urban violence and offer private employment to local residents who become our clients and members within the communities we will serve. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement (GRCAM) envisions a world in which urban communities are able to have the same resources and opportunities available to them as other American communities through this private for profit multi-service based business. I pledge to support local residents who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs by teaching them the steps in our workshops. Through our private school the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute school of Arts and Entertainment.
We will offer six basic classes ranging from Film Making, Performing Arts, Entrepreneurship Training, Journalism, Book Writing Workshop, and Financial Literacy. We will offer internships and give stipends to our students pending on our budget. Our long term goal is to offer a music workshop with an onsite music studio and tutorial service which will include an after school program, adult education program, and a recreational center for our students and for the community we will serve. We will provide small classes, seminars, live conferences, and collaborate with other community organizations within and beyond the communities we will serve. We will work with our clients and members and connect them with our many services so that can have a more productive lives.
Persistent criminal violence in many forms is real and we need to address. This is why I created Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos talk show on Blogtalkradio. I plan to create a safe and comfort environment to our youth and break the cycle of violence. No matter how bad I want to help improve the living conditions of my people and my community, changing years of social conditions takes a team. Without my management team in place I will never be able to do all of the things I have written in my book nor never be able to end the heartbreaking violence that has taken the lives of so many of our children. However, any approach to the current crime problem must be multi-faceted. We need fewer guns, more ways to peacefully resolve conflicts, and job opportunities that offer alternatives to criminal activity.
Everyone deserves to live in a safe neighborhood. We will create programs that support working families and low income families where children can thrive and neighbors can fellowship, solve problems, build trust, and heal from this Willie Lynch mentality among our people. GRCAM will create accessible and affordable spaces where children and youth can learn, play and develop, safely. GRCAM will provide a place where our clients and members can gather, celebrate and solve our community problems once and for all. The strength of a community lies in its residents’ ability to work together to create and steer their collective voice for our community. You cannot destroy communities and expect them to become safer.
We are the key to each other’s security and we have to all take that responsibility. GRCAM will teach our clients and members that we need to support interventions which empowers community residents and treat one another with respect and compassion. Social justice is about repair, restitution and healing, more than punishment and revenge. social justice is more than a pipedream. It is a practical approach to solving conflicts that everyone can own.
GRCAM will provide a neighborhood-focused plan that establishes clear protocols for helping residents and communities heal from traumatic events. Under our political party those who have committed acts of violence will be held accountable, under our laws, make restitution and forge productive and meaningful lives. Those who are involved in shootings, and found guilty in the court of law we will push to have those person or persons strip of their U.S. citizenship and be deported to Antarctica. If they can kill another human being then they can hunt for their own food in the wild.
It’s no coincidence that the neighborhoods with the highest levels of violent crime are also those with double-digit unemployment rates. Job creation and economic development strategies for our community are critical to improving neighborhood safety. Police alone won’t keep streets safe. Residents shopping at local groceries and other businesses can turn once dismal and dangerous streets into safe well patrolled areas. There simply are not enough decent jobs that pay living wages. And many people do not have the educational or training to secure other work. There are far too many disconnected youth, people between the ages of 16 and 30 who are neither in school nor working. That disconnection can result in a wide variety of problems for individual youth and the communities they live in. Both common sense and sophisticated research tells us that violent crime is related to economics, namely the absence of decent jobs that pay living wages.
The question is really “How much is it worth to us as a society and a city to really reduce crime?” Jobs and educational opportunities are the best crime and violence prevention tools we have. Broken relationships and trust between police and the black community have to be repaired. It requires a degree of restructuring the police department as well as permitting a great deal of decentralization and autonomy to those officers working with both individuals and organizations in the neighborhoods to which they are assigned.
The Mission
To address issues and solve these problems concerning our youth and our community. We will recruit and support good ideas, talents of our people which will make our community stronger. To rebuild and restore the black family and the black community, one community, one city, and one state at a time starting in Chicago. To create and own our own business within the community we will serve, and deliver outstanding services. GRCAM is to provide goods and services to single black mothers, single black fathers and low income two parent families that want and need our services, and who want more out of life. I want to make Chicago a model first before we expand to 25 other cities within 25 states.
My vision goes beyond Urban America. Once we're established in America I plan on having Native Africans in America to assist me in starting chapters in 25 countries in Africa. I call upon Native Africans: in the United States to purchase my book and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my plan to improve Urban America and Africa then make yourself known to me. If you’re not on my friends list then send me a friend request on Facebook, Google Plus, or on Skype. In turn, I will send you an attachment of my book flier. Please print them out and share it with your family, friends, your place of worship and also at your local community center. Once my organization is established in 25 states I plan to expand abroad to Africa and start chapters in 25 countries. We will wait until conditions of Ebola is under control before we go to West Africa.
We will go through the proper channels to get my organization as an NGO (Non-Government Organization) chapters in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and do our research to see if people want and need our services. We will offer private employment to our clients and members based on our budget and sponsorship. This organization will provide infrastructure for clean running water, agricultural technology to feed the people, and most of all educate our people about the problems with Capitalism and show them an alternative GRCAM. We will also expand to Brazil and the Caribbean Islands to people that want and need our services.
I call upon the art community: I am seeking local artist and national artist in the area of Poets, Performing Artist, Musicians, Actors, Actresses, Singers, Models, and Film Director who will work with me in turning my book into a movie. I pray my book and future film or play reach Angel Investors, Donors, Philanthropist, Sponsors, and Social Entrepreneurs in America and abroad to work with me in moving my virtual organization from behind a computer starting in Chicago.
I call upon the faith community: within the United States and abroad. All I ask is that you purchase my book and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my plan to improve Urban America then make yourself known to me by sending me a friend request on Facebook. Also send me your Gmail address and in turn I will send you an attachment of my book flier. Please print them out and share it with your family, friends, your place of worship and also at your local community center. The spiritual component of GRCAM is to unite Christians, moderate Muslims, and secular people in America and declare to our younger generation the power of the gospel, and active a culture for change!
* To increase economic development within the low income African American Community.
* To increase public awareness about the genocide which is taken place in our inner cities and what this organization plan to do about it.
* To stimulate public policy and advocate social change which support and strengthen the black family and the black community.
* Work to create safe passage routes for students so they can commute to and from school safely.
GRCAM is about building a strong unified global community and providing basic resources to communities and families that want and need our services. My organization is open to all law abiding citizens, all racial groups, and undiscovered artist. I am on 300 social networks and I have approximately 125,000 people worldwide on my friends list. If black people don’t get involved with black issues and local politics within the community our children will continue to pay the price. This is more than me trying to sell a book this is about real issues affecting urban communities, families, and society. Through GRCAM the African American community will achieve significant social, political and economic progress in our local communities and throughout America.
My organization is open to all law abiding citizens, all racial groups, and undiscovered artist. When you purchase my book, it doesn’t stop with you. It starts with you! All proceeds from my book sells go towards supporting the mission of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement working to make positive change. My book is the foundation of my organization and all of my clients and members will learn about my story and my cause. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora. Real Christian Socialist Online
The Benefits for those who have purchased my book and people who are my group members are as follows:
+ You can promote your business, ministry or just network with my supporters from around the globe
+ You can participate in our open auditions as soon as I am able to find a legitimate film director or play director. You must bring my book during auditions as proof that you purchased my book. I might be able to help pay for your travel expenses and hotel pending on my budget. If you are selected to be in my films or plays then I will discuss compensation with you at that time.
+ Those who work with me directly I will openly reward you by sharing the limelight and you will go down in history with me. When you purchase my book, you:
*Pledge to help end urban violence
*Help me in turning my vision into a reality for positive change in the black community
*Commit to spreading my vision and my book information to others
All I ask for those on my friends list and in my social groups is to purchase my book and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my plan to improve Urban America, you can contact me by sending your Gmail address to my Facebook inbox. In turn I will send you an attachment of my book flier. Please print them out and share them with your family, friends, place of worship, and at your local community center. In addition, I will discuss with you on Google Plus Hangouts about promoting your Business, Ministries, or Music on Blogtalkradio for 10 minutes. I will support those who support me. You can chat live with me during my podcast on my Blogtalkradio by click on my BTR weblink. You can also connect with me on Skype my screen name is manwell4mankind.
My Blogtalkradio Show Link
My Book Link on Amazon.com for $22.47 plus tax
My Book Link on Createspace.com for $25.00 plus tax
My You Tube Videos
My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)
My Facebook Page
My Google Plus Hangout Page
Current Mood: awake
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