
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

(Release Emmanuel Barbee From Behind The Internet By Purchasing His Book)

What is it about my vision that makes people uncomfortable? There is no black leader in America that has a plan to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality but I do.  Black capitalist refuse to allow me to have rental space to start my business because they view my organization as a threat.  I am not allowed to speak on campus at my former college Malcolm X College or Northeastern Illinois University because they view my book as to controversial.  Black churches in my former community refuse to allow me speak at their church or to pass out my fliers after church services.  I am on 300 social networks and I correspond with 125,000 people worldwide but still to this day I have no one on my board of directors. I only have three people on my advisory board that are actually working with me this is unacceptable Black America.  The only reason why I continue to push my vision is because of those innocent children who are being killed in our streets due to senseless violence. 

First and foremost I am a Christian Socialist. A Christian socialist is a form of socialism based on the teachings of Jesus. Many Christian socialists believe that capitalism is idolatrous and rooted in greed, social inequality, and institutionalized racism which most Christian denominations consider a mortal sin. I am also a social entrepreneur. A social entrepreneur are people who tries to solve social, cultural, and environmental issues. Some of my Christian friends ask me why do I include secular people on my friends list? I explain to them that we as Christians should focus on what we stand for: love, compassion, social justice, and liberation theology. Jesus commanded us to be a witness to others not just for us to read his word, but to activate social change in the world according to Luke 4:18-19.

I have been pushing my vision about improving Black America by ending gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality through my organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement for 22 years and still to this day I have no one in my city willing to work with me in turning my vision into a reality. This is why I wrote my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition because I lack support from established black organizations in my city and from the black churches in my former community. This book is based on my personal experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago. I also wrote my book in order to generate capital/seed money, in order to offer incentives to thirty talented individuals within the state of Illinois or beyond who have read my book and agree with what I am trying to do in Urban America for them to come to Chicago and work with me directly in getting my organization up and running.  I want to make Chicago a model for other cities in America. Once I have my team in place we will carry out everything I have written in my book to the fullest. Once we’re established in Chicago I plan on expanding my organization to 25 other cities within 25 states. Once we’re established in 25 states I plan on expanding my organization abroad to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands to people that want and need our services.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will be a private for profit service base business. It will have three main components a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. Our focus is on strengthening single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families that want and need our services. We will provide goods and services to our clients and members and provide private employment within the organization pending on our budget and sponsorship. Most of all we will confront the Willie Lynch Mentality which is holding us back as a racial group. In GRCAM we will solve our social problems such as institutionalized racism, structural inequality, and police brutality instead of reacting or complaining about these issues which has been going on since the Civil Rights Era. It’s my hope to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who want to help me start this new movement in Black America. My organization is open to all ordinary law abiding citizens, and all racial groups but everyone must agree with all of the principles in my book no exceptions. This is my contribution back to my community and throughout the African Diaspora. Real Christian Socialist Online

My Book Link on

My Facebook Groups

+ Light OF The World Inspirational Group (My Prayer Group)

+ The Grass Roots Community Activist Group Conference
(My Social Group)

+ New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters
Worldwide (My Social Group)

+ Emmanuel Barbee's Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)

+ The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)

* My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

Groups I am a member of on FB.

* My Face Book Fan Page

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