Why am I unable to get others on board? I believe because our people has been Americanized and they view each start up as a potential competitor or fear of being assassinated just like Dr. King, Malcolm X, or the Black Panthers. Established black organizations in my city such as the NAACP of Chicago, Rainbow Push, Chicago Urban League, and host of other black organizations including the black church refusal to work with me is based on the fact that a majority of them are accepting funding from the financial elites in the form of a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status. Out of 125,000 people I correspond with on 300 social networks I only have three people actually working with me directly from Facebook this is unacceptable black people! I speak out against the financial elites, black capitalist, and urban terrorist. I published my first book in 2010 in order to rise beyond people of my city and those who I communicate with online in order to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who would work with me and give my organization a chance. What a later learned was that my first publisher only published my book they did not edit my book. I paid for both publishing and editing. I believe that my book was sabotage deliberately. Now I have found a more professional publisher called Createspace and they have published my revised book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" Second Edition available on Amazon.com and Createspace.com
My creator brought me out of the slums of Chicago, I am a former special ed student. Despite my dyslexia I graduated from high school and from college. I did not ask for this vision I wanted to be a physician assistant rather than having to deal with people’s attitude. I finally submitted to his will and no man or woman on earth will change the vision my creator has given me. Those of you who are serious about doing something to help our children who are trapped in American ghettos, then I suggest that before you purchase my book please read at least 10 of my free journal entries. Especially my blog entry entitled "My African Connection" and "Who is Emmanuel Barbee and what is GRCAM?" In order to gain a better understanding of what I am trying to do for the low income African American communities around in 25 cities in America starting in Chicago.
After you have read my journal entries if you disagree with what I am trying to do please delete me off your friends list and we can remain strangers for life. Those of you who agree with my vision then by all means purchase my book. Read the entire book so that you will gain a deeper understanding of what I am trying to do in the natural and in the spiritual to improve the social conditions in our community and other communities in 25 cities. If you agree with my vision then share my information with your family and friends who care about black issues. After you have read the entire book I encourage the reader who agrees with my vision and all of the principles in my book to send me their name and contact number to my Facebook inbox or my g-mail so that I can answer any questions they may have. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then I recommend that you send me your Yahoo email so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. I want to make sure that no other person in America that is under my leadership would ever have to face the humiliation and reject I endured just to start a business in the black community. Everyone must accept the vision and all of the principles in my book. Once we have a place of business everyone must sign a consent form and be placed in our database so that I can monitor those what people are not doing within this organization and remove passive spectators in order for this organization to become effective and successful. Everyone must attend our orientation workshops. We will expose wolves in sheep clothing by putting scammer’s and con artist on notice. Anyone that is found guilty of trying to deliberately sabotage this organization will have their name and photo ID placed on our Judas list and they will be barred for life plus we may take legal action against such person. We will do back ground checks on everyone once GRCAM is established to weed out trouble makers. My first goal is to stabilize the community through my political component by changing the current gun laws within 25 cities starting in Chicago. My organization will create legitimate jobs in the black ghettos/the hood, so our young people don’t have to become career criminals.
In time I plan on starting local chapters in 25 other cities after we are established in Chicago and eventually aboard in Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. Once my book becomes a best seller I plan on turning it into a movie so that the whole world do know what I have been trying to do for the past 21 years in Urban America. You have an opportunity to read my story and decide for yourself if you think this is the kind of organization you want to be a part of. If you are interested in being one of our actors/actresses, models, or a member of our team please let me know I may be able to hire you pending on our budget and support from the Black Community. I want to do cooperative alliances with other organizations beyond the black community to strengthen our cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.” GRCAM is open to all racial groups, all ordinary law abiding citizens, and undiscovered artist. Everyone will have a voice in my organization and I will openly reward those of you who will help me put my book on the best sellers list and as soon as my book become a movie I can be in a better position to hire those of you who have turned my vision into a reality. For GRCAM is all about turning people’s dreams into a reality. I want to invest in those innocent children who are trapped in American ghettos and their families by providing them with similar goods and services that affluent children have in their neighborhoods. Those who join my organization I will work with you and your immediate family for life as long as you remain a member of GRCAM. In GRCAM we as black people will heal from the scars of slavery collectively and we will separate ourselves from black capitalist or anyone else that want to divide us based on social class. In GRCAM I want my black middle class brothers and sisters to work with us because you have the talent and skills I need to make GRCAM effective and successful.
Our political party (the democratic socialist party) would help us advance our cause by making what we do within the law because the community would participate in the major decisions taken place in the community by signing petitions and holding rally in GRCAM. Let’s end these kind of tragedies that have taken so many lives due to senseless violence by helping me get GRCAM started first in Chicago and later in 25 other cities. All I can do at this point is share my vision and encourage others to purchase my book and join my free online groups until I am able to find those who will be on my team (board of directors/advisory board). I come not to improve the current system but to offer an alternative system where about people will have a voice that is GRCAM. Genuine social change does not come from celebrities but rather from ordinary people. Only the masses have the ability to transform society. GRCAM was given to me to share with others as a way to opt out from under Caesar/capitalism into the kingdom of light. GRCAM is a private for profit service base organization, as well as a democratic socialist organization one mind, one voice, one accord. Real Christian Socialist on the scene. Peace& blessings
My book links
http://www.amazon.com/Solution-Black-Am erica-Reclaiming-Rebuiling/dp/1480074365/r ef=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1353183068&sr=1-5&keywords=The+Solution+For+Black+America
My Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos
My Organization GRCAM
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