
Monday, November 26, 2012

(Help Stop The Massacre Of Our Forgotten Children Trapped In American Ghettos)

I heard the most offensive song on the Radio the other day called “I

Got Crack.” Our people listen to that kind of garbage but my

message for 21 years has been ignored by established black

organizations like the Chicago NAACP, Rainbow Push, Chicago

Urban League, my former alderman, my former state

representative, and former black churches all because I am trying to

do something that has never been done before in U.S. history that is

to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban

America and in America in general if given a chance. In 2010, I

started a nonprofit and I published my first book “The Solution For

Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban

Ghettos In America” with Xlibris. Come to find out they only

published my book I paid for editing and publishing. I also had to

close down my nonprofit because I was unable to get rental space

due to the fact that Black Capitalist refuse to lease rental space to

me in my former community. So what is it about my story that

makes established black organizations and black churches

uncomfortable with my organization? For one thing, I refuse to

accept any funding from the financial elites. On the other hand,

most established black organizations and black churches receives

funding in the form of 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Status. I switch my

organization to a for profit business service base organization in

order to carry out my mission “Help Stop The Genocide In

American Ghettos.” I started my organization online back in 1991

and I am on 300 social networks. I correspond with 125,000

people worldwide and out of all those people I only have three

people actually working with me directly this is not acceptable

Black America.

I am not just on here to sell my book but also to recruit the best and
brightest people in the United States to join my team board of
directors/advisory board and come to Chicago and work with me
directly in getting my organization up and running for the sake of
our people. I am also here to develop long term friendships/
professional relationship. I am gifted in the area of research I can
find anything in print. I assist others who have accepted my hand of
friendship with finding college scholarships - grants, small business
grants; housing; legal services and employment on a national level
all for free. I don’t ask for any donations until I have a place of
business what I do ask is that you read at least 20 of my blog
entries especially "My African Connection" and "Who is
Emmanuel Barbee and what is GRCAM?" in order to gain a better
understanding of what I am trying to do for the low income African
American communities in America starting in Chicago and
eventually in 25 other cities in America and in Africa, Brazil, and
the Caribbean Islands. Also I recommend that you listen to my
latest business interview on the link below. If you agree with my
vision then by all means purchase my book and join my free online
groups in order to network with my supporters worldwide. Stay up
to date on the progress of my book and my organization by
continue to read my blog postings on my blog site below. I will be
looking for actresses and models in my future film based on my
book if interested purchase my book and keep the lines of
communication open with me. For example, on Myspace alone I
correspond with 50,000 people alone and still I don’t have anyone
on my board of directors. How long must I wait on you Black
America to join my organization?

My You Tube Videos

My Myspace Page

Chicago Homicide:


My Organization GRCAM

Sunday, November 25, 2012

(Wake Up Black America From The False American Dream)

Once GRCAM is established in Chicago I can guarantee you everyone that has rejected my call to work with me will be running to join my organization. It’s been 21 years that I have been pushing my vision in order to get others to join my team board of directors/ advisory board so that I can start my organization in Chicago and in 25 other cities in America. Still to this day I have no one on my board of directors. Out of 125,000 people that I correspond with from 300 social networks I only have three people actually working with me on my advisory board this is not acceptable Black America. I am here to fight for and be a voice to those innocent children that are being killed by the thousands each year who are trapped in American ghettos. I have no established black organizations in Chicago willing to work with me nor can I find any black churches from my former community to stand with me this is why I wrote my story “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition. In order to bypass closed minded individuals in my city and online by taking my cause “Help Stop The Genocide in American Ghettos”to the general public. I thank God for perseverance and for allowing me to be in the information age. Those who have rejected working with me have no place in my organization or in my life and that’s real.

I have something that no one else has in America for I have the answer to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general. Please read at least 20 of my blog entries especially "My African Connection" and "Who is Emmanuel Barbee and what is GRCAM?" in order to gain a better understanding of what I am trying to do for the low income African American communities in America starting in Chicago and eventually in 25 other cities in America and in Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. Also I recommend that you listen to my latest business interview on the link below. If you agree with my vision then by all means purchase my book and join my free online groups in order to network with my supporters worldwide. Stay up to date on the progress of my book and my organization by continue to read my blog postings on my blog site below. I will be looking for actresses and models in my future film based on my book if interested purchase my book and keep the lines of communication open with me. For example, I am on 300 social networks on Myspace alone I correspond with 50,000 people alone and still I don’t have anyone on my board of directors. How long must I wait on you Black America to join my organization?

My You Tube Videos

My Book Links

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

GRCAM Theme Song


My Organization GRCAM

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

(Attention Black People Worldwide)

Just because the title of my book has “The Solution For Black America” does not mean in any way that it is limited to Black America only. I want to start my organization in my city and in my country first in order to gain creditability, recognition, and respect from the community and from fellow Americans. My organization is like no other organization in America because truth be told it’s a new system. I am not trying to be like the next man I have my own style and this is how I get down or this is how I operate. My organization is based on my personal life experience. No one on earth knows my organization better than I. No man or woman on earth will change the vision my creator has given me to do. I will not lower my standards to gain cool points with other blacks. This is a private for profit service base organization and will remain as such.

My book for the most part is a recruiting tool for me to find the best and brightest people in the United States to come to Chicago and work with me directly in turning my vision into a reality. It’s for ordinary law abiding people like me who think outside of the norm and want a chance to solve these major social problems facing the low income African American community nationwide. I wrote my story in order to share with the public at large that I have in fact the answer on how to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general if given a chance and if I can get 30 brave and smart people to join my team board of directors/advisory board. I want GRCAM to be black own but again I don’t have any established black organizations in Chicago willing to work with me nor do I have any black churches from my former community to stand with me for the past twenty one years.

Praise God that we live in the information age / the internet age. I actually thought I was going to carry my vision to my grave not so for my creator has allowed me to spread my vision across cyberspace for the past twenty one years. Now it’s time for me to reach out to the 125,000 people that are on my friends list from 300 social networks to help me move from behind a computer into 25 cities in America starting in Chicago. My foreign friends I need you to purchase my book on Amazon or Createspace. Read the entire book and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then become a member of GRCAM by joining my online groups on Google, MSN, or Yahoo and interact with my supporters from around the globe. If you have family and friends in the United States from your native country encourage them to purchase my book and if they agree with my vision then I would like for them to help me start and run my organization in Chicago and in 25 other cities in America. Once we’re established in 25 cities then we will expand aboard to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands.

Those of you who are unable to afford my book you can still play a major role in helping me reach others about my organization. First I recommend that you read at least 15 of my free blog entries if you agree with what I am trying do to for our people worldwide then you become the voice of GRCAM by encouraging your family, friends, and associates who are interested in black issues to purchase the book. I also encourage you to send me your name and number to my Facebook inbox. Once I am in a better position financially then I can hire those of you who work with me directly in helping me get my book on the best sellers list and also in movie theatres. Those of you who disagree with my vision you can still use my free online resources on my web journal but as far as contacting me about your opinion keep your opinion I will only talk to those who see eye to eye with me nothing more nothing less.
According to the book of Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” In the book of Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.” My vision is confirmed in the book of Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Real Christian Socialist on the scene peace & blessings.

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

My Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos (JOIN)

My Google Plus Fan Page: (JOIN)

My Face Book Group (The Grass Roots Community Activist Conference)

My Yahoo Groups:

My Organization GRCAM

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Revised Book Is Now Available To The Public:

My Revised Book Is Now Available To The Public: “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition.

I am asking all of my cyber friends and associates to do your part in helping me make this second book to get on the best seller list so that I can turn my book into a movie and share with the world about what I been trying to do for the past 21 years in Urban America without support from any established black organizations in my city or from any black churches in my former community. I want to share with the public at large about my vision on how my organization will end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general if given a chance. This is my contribution back to my community and to my people worldwide. Those of you who will work with me directly I will openly reward you with a position within my organization and you will go down in history for I share the spot light with those who are sincere in heart. May this book be a blessing to all those who read it. Peace & blessings.

My new publisher Createspace

My You Tube Videos

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

My Organization GRCAM

Thursday, November 15, 2012

(Facts vs. Myths about GRCAM)

* Myth - GRCAM is anti-government.

Fact - GRCAM welcomes some government assistant and we will abide by the law of the land. Even home owners get an annual tax deduction from Uncle Sam. However, what we will call for is our sovereignty with respect to own our political establishment and laws which will be compatible or similar to the dominant culture. We will create our own currency and judge those who has cause harm to our community in our own court system.

* Myth - GRCAM wants to take over and start a new society.

Fact - Unlike capitalism which has imposed their laws and taxes on native people outside of Europe. GRCAM primary focus is on giving voices to those who are trapped in American ghettos. For example, if we do not have enough votes to get our political party in public office at the local level then that’s the will of the people and therefore GRCAM will not be able to carry out it’s mission to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America if Urban America rejects our service. GRCAM was given to me by my creator no man nor woman on earth will change my vision for I am deep rooted in my cause which is “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos. People have a right to choose we will only focus on those who want our services and agree with all of the principles in my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition. In GRCAM, we will teach our clients and members about democratic socialism, history, politics, and most of all how to heal from the scars of slavery by dealing head on with the Willie Lynch mentality. I want to be sure that none of my clients or members will ever have to go through what I had endured just to get my organization started.

* Myth - GRCAM wants to be the voice for Black America.

Fact - GRCAM will only be the voice for our clients and members. If it was up to me every African American in the United States would be part of GRCAM. In reality many blacks will be against this organization I am trying to start. I am only responsible for those under my leadership. This organization is open to all racial groups and all ordinary law abiding citizens. We will do cooperative alliances with other organizations beyond the black community. In this organization we will attempt to confront and solve our social problems within and beyond our community. Once we have a place of business everyone must attend our orientation workshops. We will expose wolves in sheep clothing by putting scammer’s and con artist on notice. Anyone that is found guilty of trying to deliberately sabotage this organization will have their name and photo ID placed on our Judas list and we may take legal action against such person. We will do back ground checks on everyone once GRCAM is established to weed out trouble makers. This organization will lead the second Reconstruction in Black America and we will fulfill Dr. Kings dream to end poverty and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general.

* Myth - I started GRCAM just to make a name for myself.

Fact - I was called to do this by my creator. I don’t like dealing with people with a funky attitude besides I am the one risking my life to go back into those high crime drug and gang infested communities out of the love I have for my people who have been traumatized by years of senseless violence on top of living in poverty. I am going there to preach but rather to teach hands on and provide employment to those who want more out of life.

* Myth - I wrote my story in order to get rich.

Fact - I have been doing my best at getting other blacks to help me start this organization from major black established organizations in my city like the NAACP Westside division, The Chicago Urban League, Rainbow Push and host of other smaller organizations. I reached out to my former alderman, State Representative, local black churches. I am on 300 social networks and I correspond with 125,000 people worldwide. I have created free online groups, I hold several free online conferences and still I only have three people actually working with me in starting my organization. As a black man I am dissatisfied how Black Americans today are behaving towards each other. We are divided as a racial group by social class and by religion. I am here to do something about it. Yes I keep referring to my vision and my organization well my creator has given me this vision and this organization and I claim ownership. This is a private organization and will remain such. I refuse to kiss up to any established black organization once my organization is established I bet every black person in Chicago would want to get on board then ask me why? Because GRCAM will be making money. Once my book becomes on the best sellers list I plan on making it into a movie to tell the whole world my story what I have been trying to do in Urban America for 20 years. Once the cash flow starts kicking in then I can offer incentives to attract talented individuals to be on my team (board of directors/advisory board) then I will be in a better position to purchase property and hire my future clients and members which I discuss in my book. Once GRCAM is established in Chicago I plan on expanding my organization to 25 cities and setting up local chapters. Then I plan on expanding aboard to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. Thank you Black America for all of the rejections you placed on me I will only work with those who agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book no exceptions.

We did not pay those ordinary people to come down to the south and help fight against Jim Crow during the Civil Rights Era. I have to put my dirty laundry out there in order to gain recognition. I don’t want any Black American to call me a sell out if everyone on my board of directors are non-black I reached out to my own for 20 years and still to this day I have no one on my board of directors. I am my business I am GRCAM 24/7 recognize. Real Christian Socialist on the scene.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

(New Voice In Black America Mr. Emmanuel Barbee)

"The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" Second Edition. The purpose of this book is to tell my personal story growing up in the inner city ghettos of Chicago. I also wrote this book in order to promote my organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement which will end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general. My goal is to push my story until it becomes on the best sellers list. Then I plan on turning my book into a movie so that the whole world would know what I have been trying to do in Urban America for the past 21 years.

It’s my hope to recruit the best and brightest people in the United States who will read my story to come to Chicago and help me get this organization up and running. After we are established in Chicago we will then expand to 25 other cities in America setting up local chapters across the country. Then we will expand abroad to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. This is my contribution back to my community, my people worldwide. My cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.” Again this is a private organization for ordinary law abiding citizens. No criminals, No gangs, and No half steppers allowed. According to the book of Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” In the book of Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.” My vision is confirmed in the book of Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Real Christian Socialist on the scene peace & blessings.

My Organization GRCAM

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

My You Tube Video:

Monday, November 12, 2012

(Why Should You Buy My Book?) Pt.2

If you are a single parent, educator, spiritual leader, politician, law enforcement, then this book is for you. I am trying to do something that has never been done before in U.S. history that is to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general. The main question I keep asking others is how many more children that are trapped in American ghettos have to die before Black America heed my vision?

Q: Why is it so difficult for me to start GRCAM?

A: The most stupidest question people ask me is why is it taken you so long to start your organization or are you sure God told you to do this? People are a custom to being under capitalism when someone like me comes along with a different viewpoint outside the norm people only give lip service “talk the talk” but when it’s time for action like actually doing something about solving these social issues a majority of our people are reluctant to participate in such matters. I stop blaming God for not sending me the right people to help me start this organization after all people have free will. All I can do is spread my vision until I am in a position to actually generate revenue/seed money to start working on those major projects I discuss on my blogs and in my book.

Q: After 21 years of trying to get others on board why are you still pushing your vision?

A: Because this is the assignment my creator has given me to do and after all of the blogging I’ve posted on 300 social networks and corresponding with 125,000 people but only three are actually on my advisory board unacceptable. I am ready to take it to another level by publishing my second book in order to bypass closed minded individuals in my city and those who I interact with on cyberspace. It’s my hope to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others in the United States to take my cause serious “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.” Once my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition becomes a best seller I plan on turning it into a movie so that the whole world would know my story and also to earn revenue/ seed money to start hiring those who have been faithful and working with me in my online groups/ online communities to help turn my vision into a reality.

Before we can change the current system we must become un-Americanized and change our mind set. In GRCAM we as black people will deal head on with the Willie Lynch mentality in order to heal from the scars of slavery. The question at hand why do I care about people that are trapped in America ghettos. I am a former ghetto resident I know what it’s like to live in a high crime drug and gang community. I know what it’s like to see your friends die by senseless violence. In the book of Exodus 3:7-8 Then the Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey. In Egypt, God was concerned because the government became unjust. God became active because the people were crying. So God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh let my people go! God worked on behalf of those who had the greatest need. Later, when the children of the people whom God set free from Egypt were forming their own society, they would be warned to remember that their parents were once vulnerable, and that they should always provide for the vulnerable, because God cares about what happens to the vulnerable. It’s my hope that people with spiritual titles such as Apostles, Elders, Evangelist, Bishops, Ministers, Pastors, Priest, Prophets, Prophetess, and Imams would join me and assist me in our spiritual component. I am ready to move from behind a computer and into the target communities I speak of in my book. This is my contribution back to my community and to my people worldwide. All I ask for is that you give me a chance to do my job.

Those of you who live in the states below work with me by purchasing my book and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then work with me directly in setting up a chapter in your city and once I am more established then I can hire you full time. It is my hope to have GRCAM chapters in 25 cities and within 25 states that has a large African American population. For example, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota , Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin. Once we are established in 25 states I plan on going abroad to set up GRCAM in Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. Those who have rejected my vision have no place in my organization or in my life. Again this is a private organization only for law abiding citizens that is tired of being under Caesar’s control. We reject everything Caesar stands for and we will re-create our own political system that will bring fairness and justice to all those who want to truly be free from the power that be “the financial elites.” The reason why I keep saying my vision and my organization is because my creator has given me this vision and I claim ownership. No man or woman on earth will change my vision that my creator has given me. I refuse to kiss up to another person to work with me for that person will surely die just like me. Other racial groups are welcome to join this organization but I will only hire those who accept my vision and sign a consent form. Again this is a private organization for ordinary law abiding citizens. No criminals, No gangs, and No half steppers allowed. According to the book of Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” In the book of Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.” My vision is confirmed in the book of Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Real Christian Socialist on the scene peace & blessings.

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

My You Tube Video:

My Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos (JOIN)

My Google Plus Fan Page: (JOIN)

My Face Book Group (The Grass Roots Community Activist Conference)

My Organization GRCAM

Sunday, November 11, 2012

(Happy Twenty First Anniversary GRCAM In 2012)

On November 11, 1991 I created my first online group on gopher in order to spread my vision and recruit others to join my online organization. Today I am on 300 social networks and I correspond with 125,000 people worldwide. Although out of 125,000 people on my friends list only three people are currently working with me directly in turning GRCAM into reality that’s not acceptable Black America we can do better.

Q: Why is there a need for GRCAM?

A: Because society is not doing enough to end gun violence in America. If given a chance my organization will end gun violence in Urban America and in America in general starting in Chicago. This year alone 419 murders has taking place in Chicago, and still to this day I have no established black organizations in Chicago willing to work with me nor any black churches from my former community willing to stand with me that’s why I wrote my story "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" Second Edition when it becomes available to the public. This book is an auto-biography about my experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago ghettos. My goal is to help our future generation of young leaders, who reside in those high crime violent communities. I want to empower families with the knowledge of stopping the senseless violence they encounter on a daily basis. I provide a road map on how to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general.

I also wrote my book in order to find brave and smart people in the United States to work with me directly in getting my organization started in Chicago and in time in 25 other cities in America. The main reason why I wrote this book is because I have no established black organizations in Chicago willing to work with me nor do I have any support from the black church in my former community willing to stand with me because they view me as a small fry with big ideas and no capital to back it up. Another reason why I wrote my story is to generate revenue/seed money so that I can offer incentives to talented individuals to join my management team (board of directors/ advisory board) and help me start my organization (The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement). It has three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component.

Our social service component: will work directly with single black mothers, single black fathers, and two parent low income families by providing them with the resources such as job training, child daycare, private alternative school and a second chance program for ex offenders.

Our spiritual component: will be optional for secular people we will have two main religions Christianity and Islam. This is to people spiritual people grow in their faith and their purpose in this organization.

Our political component: is about stabilizing the community and creating legitimate jobs in the hood so that our clients and members can raise their family in a safe environment with dignity and in peace. We will start a new political party on the local level called the “Democratic Socialist Party” and they will focus on local issues and to change current gun laws one city one state at a time.
Once my revised book is published I am asking everyone on my friends list to do your part in helping me sell my book by encouraging your family, friends, and acquaints to purchase my book. I will do local book tours in my city in such places like community colleges, community centers, churches, and mosques. Until I am able to travel to 25 other cities promoting my book and encouraging others to join GRCAM. Once my book becomes a best seller I plan on turning my book into a movie so that my vision and my organization can reach others worldwide and also so that I can generate capital/revenue to hire my employees and provide employment to all my clients and members that are under my leadership. If I am unable to hire everyone in my organization then I will teach those who are business minded how to start their own business and we will work with them until it materialize. As long as you are cool with me and keep the lines of communicate open and remain a member of GRCAM I will work with you and your immediate family for life.

It’s my hope to recruit 30 of the best and brightest people in the United States who have read my book and agree with my vision to come to Chicago and work with me directly in getting GRCAM up and running in Chicago first and eventually in 25 other cities in America. In GRCAM we as black people will deal head on with the Willie Lynch mentality in order to heal from the scars of slavery. The question at hand why do I care about people that are trapped in America ghettos. I am a former ghetto resident I know what it’s like to live in a high crime drug and gang community. I know what it’s like to see your friends die by senseless violence. In the book of Exodus 3:7-8 Then the Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey. In Egypt, God was concerned because the government became unjust. God became active because the people were crying. So God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh let my people go! God worked on behalf of those who had the greatest need. Later, when the children of the people whom God set free from Egypt were forming their own society, they would be warned to remember that their parents were once vulnerable, and that they should always provide for the vulnerable, because God cares about what happens to the vulnerable. It’s my hope that people with spiritual titles such as Apostles, Elders, Evangelist, Bishops, Ministers, Pastors, Priest, Prophets, Prophetess, and Imams would join me and assist me in our spiritual component. I am ready to move from behind a computer and into the target communities I speak of in my book. This is my contribution back to my community and to my people worldwide. All I ask for is that you give me a chance to do my job. Purchase my book and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then help me start a chapter in your city and also send me your name and number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then send me your Yahoo email so that we can do voice chat or video chat on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype.

After we are established in 25 cities I plan on expanding my organization aboard to the African continent, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. I am doing my best to spread my vision and eventually move from behind a computer into the target communities I plan to offer my services to. I am trying my best to interact with those on my friends list to interact with me directly by holding online conferences, creating online groups/ virtual communities. I’ve invited others to do voice chat/ video chat with me one on one or in groups on Skype and Yahoo Messenger what more can a brother do? I require interaction and absolute dedication in my organization I will not lower my standards. Those who disagree with my vision and or my principles have no place in my organization or in my life. The reason why I keep saying my vision and my organization is because my creator has given me this vision and I claim ownership. No man or woman on earth will change my vision that my creator has given me. Other racial groups are welcome to join this organization but I will only hire those who accept my vision and sign a consent form. This is a private organization only for law abiding citizens. No criminals, No gangs, and No half steppers allowed.

According to the book of Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” My vision is confirmed in the book of Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Real Christian Socialist on the scene peace& blessings.

Show & Prove

Chicago Homicide:

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

My You Tube Video:

My Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos (JOIN)

My Google Plus Fan Page: (JOIN)

My Face Book Group (The Grass Roots Community Activist Conference)

My Google Groups:

My MSN Groups:

My Yahoo Groups:

My Organization GRCAM

My Virtual Communities: (Just to name a few)

Friday, November 9, 2012

(Direct Talk With My Cyber Friends And Associates)

Hello, cyber friends& associates

The purpose why I am on 300 social networks is because I want to spread my vision all over cyberspace and beyond. I correspond with 125,000 people worldwide my goal is to get acquaint with everyone on my friends list and develop a long term friendship/professional relationship. I am not just on here to sell my book but also to recruit others to work with me directly in helping me move my online organization (GRCAM) from behind a computer into the low income African American community in 25 cities starting in Chicago. I am gifted in the area of research I can find anything in print. I assist others who have accepted my hand of friendship with finding college scholarships - grants, small business grants; housing; legal services and employment on a national level all for free. All I ask is that you support me so that my organization can do its job by purchasing my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" Second Edition when it becomes available to the public. This book is an auto-biography about my experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago ghettos. My goal is to help our future generation of young leaders, who reside in those high crime violent communities. I want to empower families with the knowledge of stopping the senseless violence they encounter on a daily basis. I provide a road map on how to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Urban America and in America in general.

I also wrote my book in order to find brave and smart people in the United States to work with me directly in getting my organization started in Chicago and in time in 25 other cities in America. The main reason why I wrote this book because I have no established black organizations in Chicago willing to work with me nor do I have any support from the black church in my former community willing to stand with me because they view me as a small fry with big ideas and no capital to back it up. Another reason why I wrote my story is to generate revenue/seed money so that I can offer incentives to talented individuals to join my management team (board of directors/ advisory board) and help me start my organization (The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement). It has three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component.

Our social service component will work directly with single black mothers, single black fathers, and two parent low income families by providing them with the resources such as job training, child daycare, private alternative school and a second chance program for ex offenders. Our spiritual component will be optional for secular people we will have two main religions Christianity and Islam. This is to people spiritual people grow in their faith and their purpose in this organization. Our political component is about stabilizing the community and creating legitimate jobs in the hood so that our clients and members can raise their family in a safe environment with dignity and in peace. We will start a new political party on the local level called the “Democratic Socialist Party” and they will focus on local issues and to change current gun laws one city one state at a time.

After you have read the entire book and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and contact number to my Facebook inbox, Google Plus, or my G-mail so that I can answer any questions they may have. If they are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then I recommend that you send me your Yahoo email so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. Other racial groups are welcome to join this organization but I will only hire those who accept my vision and sign a consent form. This is a private organization only for law abiding citizens. No criminals, No gangs, and No half steppers allowed. It’s my hope to recruit 30 people in the United States who have read my book and agree with my vision to come to Chicago and work with me directly in getting GRCAM up and running in Chicago first and eventually in 25 states in America. After we are established in 25 cities I plan on expanding my organization aboard to the African continent, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. Real Christian Socialist seeking real brothers, sisters, and others to help me run this organization starting in Chicago first. Peace & blessings

My Business Interview Scroll down to archives and select my name Emmanuel Barbee.

My You Tube Video:

My Cause: Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos

My Face Book Group (The Grass Roots Community Activist Conference)

My Google Plus Fan Page:

My Google Groups:

My MSN Groups:

My Yahoo Groups:

My Organization GRCAM

My Virtual Communities: (Just to name a few)