I am asking all of my cyber friends who are authors, journalist, or those with media experience to help me speed up the process of finding a literary agent who will connect me with a good publisher who will see the value of my work in which will not only benefit the black community but all communities in America. I also hope that my story will become a best seller and eventually a movie to reach the masses and that the vision will be well understood. My book will help me generate revenue to start working on the major projects I discuss in chapter eleven. What is it about my story that is causing many literary agents to reject my book proposal? Is it because GRCAM will start the second reconstruction era in America? Or is it that my story will challenge capitalism head on and those with the power to print my story would rather over look my message?
The platform of my book
is based on my organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement which only exist online for now. I claim no credit in my book for my creator
has something to prove. I explain in deal throughout my book on how my
organization if given a chance will end gun violence, poverty, and structural
inequality in Urban America and in America in general. It would seem that my
vision should be embrace by our people but my book sells are very low. Examples, why GRCAM is the
solution for Black America? Imagine what our community nationwide would look
like if GRCAM became a reality. Poverty and structural
inequality would end because everyone would have equal access to resources. Gun
violence will cease because we will send a strong signal to urban terrorist,
rogue cops, or anyone found guilty in the court of law of a gun crime that
resulted in the death of another person, the perpetrator will be strip of their U.S. citizenship and be
deported to the North Pole.
We will
provide them with three months of food and that’s it. We will make excepts in
the law as it pertains to someone protecting their home from a home invasion. Career
criminals and the financial elites will be out of business because the middle class, the working
class and the underclass will finally understand the benefits of democratic
socialism once and for all. We will fulfill Dr. Kings dream to end poverty and
structural inequality in America. Finally, GRCAM will start a new currency
based on a electronic smart card down the road. I explain more in my second
book. GRCAM will create innovative strategies and provide the ground work to
reach new generations about Christian socialism. GRCAM is open to all Christians,
Muslims, and Secular people. GRCAM is also open to other racial groups but
everyone must accept the vision and all of the principles in my book.
I am asking my true
supporters to purchase my current book with flaws and all until I am able to
get my second book published. I will send you a free copy if you can prove that
you purchase the original version by showing it to me on webcam. You would also
have to give me your mailing address so that I can send you the revised
version. Please don’t
keep telling me about other people who will help me just tell them to send me a
friend request I am not the one who chase after others nor am I the one who
will kiss up to other after all I have the answer to solve our social problems
once and for all. You could be one of the 30 people I seek to help me run this
organization for our people. You don't
have to relocate to Chicago to help me with my cause "Help Stop The
Genocide In American Ghettos" just purchase the book. If you agree with my
vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and number
to my facebook inbox.
If you
are not comfortable with exchanging numbers then send me your Yahoo email
address so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. Encourage your
loved ones and your friends who care about black issues to read my story too. I
will be holding online conferences with those who are serious about helping me
get GRCAM off the ground by participating with me on Skype or Yahoo Messenger. I want
Chicago to be our model. Once the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is
established we will expand to every city and ghetto in America. We will provide
the necessary goods and services those communities which lack basic resources.
We will also start our own political party (the democratic socialist party) at
the local level to end gun violence one city one state at a time. GRCAM is my
contribution back to my community and to my people. One mind one voice.
Why does Black America need GRCAM?
Why does Black America need GRCAM?
Show and
to MSNBC The Black Agenda more black men
are incarcerated than in 1850.
My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)
My Book Interview:
My Book Links
Barnes And Noble:
My Organization GRCAM:
My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)
My Book Interview:
My Book Links
Barnes And Noble:
My Organization GRCAM: