Dear cyber friends and associates
My name is Emmanuel Barbee. I am a new urban author and soon to be entrepreneur of one of the greatest
organization in Black America called The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Established Civil Rights learders in Chicago refuse to partner with me. It's time for new leadership, drawn from the masses, not a selected few choosen by financial elites. Those organizations are paid well to put on a front that they are for the people when in reality that are doing nothing to help our people accept make a bunch of noise when racism is an issue. They want to be seen in the spot light. I offer a real solution to all of our social problems in Black America and in America in general. I have the answer to solve this country's economical, political, and social problems too. But first I want to share my vision to my own. GRCAM is an authentic black organization and this is my gift to my community and my people.
In my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." This book is an auto-biography about my experience growing up in the inner city ghettos of Chicago. I wrote this book because I have no black organizations in Chicago willing to partner with me to help me get my organization (GRCAM) The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement up and running. Nor do I have any black churches willing to partner with me for fear of losing their 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status because of my organization ties to politics. But every year during a political season politicians visit places of worships to gain votes from the faith community. I am not here for a popularity contest I am here to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others to join my organization which will save our community and our economy in this country. I operate a little different than the next man I require absolute dedication and I ask everyone that wants to be apart of this new movement in Black America to sign a consent form stating that they agree with all of the principles I have in the book. Any one caught trying to sabotage this organization in any shape or form and if it can be proven then that person name and photo ID will be place on our Judas list and that person will be barred for life and we may take legal action against that person as well. GRCAM was given to me by my creator to share my story and start a new movement in Black America.
I take no credit for this movement for I am here to share my story and recruit only 30 people the best and brightest people in the United States to help me turn my vision into reality that's what my story is all about. This organization is open to people of faith as well as secular people. Other racial groups are welcome to join this movement as well but again everyone must accept all of the principles I have in my book no exceptions. In order for GRCAM to become successful we as a people must become un-Americanized. Today the main reason Black America is so divided is because we view each other as competitors. Even if I never get a place of business in my former community or in Chicago you can still join my free online groups. I will continue to share my free online resources with those who have accepted my hand of friendship. I am a walking library I am gifted in the area of research I can find anything in print. I assist others who have accepted my hand of friendship with finding college scholarships - grants, small business grants; housing; legal services and employment on a national level all for free.
My question to both Christians and Muslims who both believe in one God allow the financial elites to continue to rule this world? If God created this world why are we as people of faith subject ourselves to their will? I am here to share a new system that will end the financial elites power once and for all but only if I can get others on board. Down with every imperialist neo - colonialist, financial capitalist dictators on this planet. GRCAM will wake up the community and all of the people about politics, real change, and collective action. GRCAM is for those of free will those who choose to be free from capitalism. At this point all I can do is share my vision because out of 125,000 people that I correspond with about my vision and my organization for the past 20 years I still have no one willing to work with me directly in making GRCAM into a reality. That’s why I wrote my story to bypass closed minded individuals and reach others beyond Chicago and cyberspace to take my cause (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos) seriously. The benefits of joining GRCAM:
* You will go down in history for ending gun violence in America.
* Once we are established in every city in America we will focus on fulfilling Dr. King's dream to end
poverty and structural inequality in America.
* You will be remembered as one of the pioneers who help turn my vision into reality.
* I will share the spot light with those under my leadership and I will work directly with my members and
their immediate family for life as long as they remain a member and keep the lines of communication
open with me by meeting with me in person, or by way of webinars, or by teleconference like Skype and
Yahoo Messenger.
* Once we come to power on a national level GRCAM will end taxes in America.
My goals for Black America is as follows:
* To unify the hood nationwide. The black middle class, the black working class , and the black under
class, as well as others who sincerely would like to help us with our cause which is “Help Stop The
Genocide In America Ghettos"
* To create six specialized groups with five people in each group to manage different tasks under the Grass
Roots Community Activist Movement such as: creating our own political party on the local level
(democratic socialist party). To end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in Black America
and in America in general.
* To create legitimate jobs in da hood/black ghetto nationwide. To work directly with single black mothers
and single black fathers that reside in da hood/black ghetto.
* Those that become members of GRCAM I will personally work with them and their immediate family for
life as long as they keep the lines of communication open and are doing their part in the organization.
* I will personally teach our members on how to become entrepreneurs and how to form cooperative
alliances with other communities. I will also teach our members about politics.
* My ultimate goal is to assist all of my members in reaching their personal life goals.
This organization is more than just a business endeavor it’s personal. Once we get GRCAM up and running we will expand to the next city and state and do the exact same thing work directly with single black mothers and fathers that dwell in da hood or black ghetto. We will teach our members about politics, building cooperative alliances with other communities and on how to start their own business and work with them step by step until that business materialize. I will personally work with my members for life as long as they do their in the organization. Everyone in GRCAM will learn about democratic socialism and we will all work as a team. In God's word Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
II Timothy 3:1-9
To learn more about GRCAM read my book and if you agree with my vision then If you agree with my vision then send me your name and number to my Facebook inbox. IF you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers with me then I recommend that you send me your Yahoo email and hopefully we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger. We also chat live on Skype just send me your Skype screen name. I don't want to hide behind a PC I want us move from behind a computer screen and meet you all in person. Those of you who care less about my cause will you please delete me off your friends list we can remain strangers this is not a game I am serious than cancer. If a CEO from Wall Street offered me twenty five million dollars to leave GRCAM alone I will tell him to go to hell principles of money. I am here to bring about a new system starting in Black America. We will fulfill Dr. King dream to end poverty and structural inequality under The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Peace and blessings
My organization:
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