
Sunday, January 26, 2014

(Post Conference - From Friday January 24th 2014)

The turnout was kinda low but overall it was productive I accomplished my objective which was to inform those who are on my friends list about my book and my virtual organization (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement.  Yes there are a lot of fake people online I am an authentic urban author as well as a upcoming social entrepreneur.  I want my online conferences to be a meaningful experience for those of you who will connect with me.  I am not just on here to sell a book but also to develop long term friendships/ professional relationships. I want to be a blessing to everyone on my friends list.  I am gifted in the area of research I can find anything in print.  I assist others who have accepted my hand of friendship and who join my online groups with finding college scholarships/grants, government grants for small businesses; housing; legal services and employment on a national level all for free.  

I don’t ask for any donations all I ask is that you purchase my book and read my story for yourself “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition.  If you agree with my plan on improving Urban America then join my free online social groups and network with me and my supporters from around the globe. In addition, share my book information with your family; friends; associates; spiritual leaders; your school (college/university) your place of worship and your local community center so that eventually I can move my virtual organization (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement from behind a computer into the various communities I discuss in my book.  

Those of you who are small business owners or who have a start up ministry are welcome to promote your business/ministry in my social groups.  Once I have my team (thirty people) in place and we find a place of business in Chicago you can come meet and greet our clients and members just as long as you have been keeping the lines of communication open with me and you can prove that you have purchase my book this is all I ask. I created social groups so that my supporters can be connected with me and with one another. It’s been twenty two years that I have been online and now that I have my revised book published and available to the public I am ready to do speaking engagements and book tours in order to sell my book and hopefully someday get on the best sellers list. I also plan on turning my book into a movie in order to do all the things I discuss in my book. Those of you who have been working with me behind the scene I will openly reward you by giving you a chance to play in my films, to participate in our talent shows, and fund raising parties at local events.

I am affiliated with 4,000 groups on Facebook alone trying to interact with other admin and persons within those groups. I am on 300 social networks and I correspond with 125,000 people worldwide doing my best to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others to first purchase and read my story and then for them to decide if they want to be part of this new global movement.  I try to engage people on my friends list to participate in my interactive conferences and my online groups.  Otherwise police brutality will continue until Black America decide to take a stand and join my organization (GRCAM).

+ What is the purpose of your book?

The purpose for my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition to raise awareness about the genocide which is taken place in our inner cities I am trying to do something to stop it.  Secondly I wrote my book in order to generate capital instead of me taking out a business loan. Based on my book sells I want to use those proceeds to offer incentives to thirty talented people within the state of Illinois or beyond who have read my book and agree with my plan/vision on improving Urban America, for those individuals to come to Chicago and work with me directly in starting my private for profit service base business (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Our agenda is to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality within the communities and cities we will serve.  My organization will solve our social problems such as institutionalized racism, structural inequality, and police brutality instead of reacting or complaining about these issues which has been going on since the Civil Rights Era.

+ What do you want from those on your friends list?

I want every person on my friends list to purchase and read my story. Those of you who agree with my plan/vision on improving Urban America I will allow you to join my free online social groups, you can promote your business/ministry and network with my supporters from around the globe. Once I have my team in place and we find a place of business you are welcome to come to Chicago and meet me in person and meet our clients and members. As well as to promote your business/ministry for three months free of charge. But you have to keep the lines of communication open with me and you also have to purchase my book this is all I ask. I also encourage you to spread my book information, my Youtube videos, and my organization website to your family; friends; associates; spiritual leaders; and anyone else who are concerned about black issues.

+ What makes your organization different from other black organizations?

We will be using my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition as the foundation for this organization. This organization is a spin off from Dr. King’s “Poor People’s March.” What set apart my organization from those that currently exist is that our focus on the Black Family and also to provide basic services to the low income African American Community. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will be a private for profit service base business. It will have three main components a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. Our focus is on strengthening single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families that want and need our services. We will provide goods and services to our clients and members and provide private employment within the organization pending on our budget and sponsorship. Most of all we will confront the Willie Lynch Mentality which is holding us back as a racial group. I want to make Chicago a model for other cities around the country. I am only focusing on 25 cities because of 22 years of rejection by established black organizations in my city. Once we're established in 25 cities within 25 states I plan to expand my organization abroad to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands to people that want and need our services.

Those of you who are serious about chatting with me all you have to do is download Facebook face time to your cell phone, computer, lap top, or tablet. We can then chat live on video chat without all of the typing back and forth. You can also send me your Yahoo email to my facebook inbox. You don’t have to wait until my next online conference to chat with me. If you don’t have a Yahoo email account than please register for a free Yahoo email account and add my Yahoo email  then we can chat live in real time on Yahoo Messenger voice chat or video chat.  Those of you who are friends with me on Google Plus, we can also chat live on Google voice chat or video chat. Instructions on how to gain access to me on Yahoo Messenger. If you have a webcam you can see me live on video chat or we can just chat live on voice chat.
1. Go to Yahoo Messenger, login
2. Move your cursor to the top of the page and select contacts then add my Yahoo email address ( to your contact list.
3. I will then send you an invite, all you need to do then is accept me and move your cursor to the top of the page and select actions and then select voice call or video call on your upper left side of your computer screen.  




My Organization GRCAM

My Facebook Groups

+ Light OF The World Inspirational Group (My Prayer Group)

+ The Grass Roots Community Activist Group Conference (My Social Group)

+ New Hood: Creating a new community in Urban America (My Social Group)

+ New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters Worldwide (My Social Group)

+ Emmanuel Barbee’s Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)

+ The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)

* My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

Groups I am affiliated with on FB.

* My Face Book Fan Page

* The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement

* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos

* My Book Page

My Google Plus Fan Page

My Virtual Organization/Communities: (Just to name a few)

Monday, January 6, 2014

(Hood Liberator: Preparing My Book Tour Throughout The MidWest & Beyond In 2014)

I am online for one purpose and that is to launch my virtual organization from behind a computer into the various communities I discuss in my book. I hope and pray that everyone on my friends list would purchase and read my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition. Those of you who are willing to work with me I will openly reward you and you will go down in history with me for I share the lime light. The reason why I wrote my book is because for twenty two years I have been rejected by established black organizations in my city who only want to be seen. My cause is to “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos” starting in Chicago by working directly with single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families who reside in the low income African American Community.
I am a college graduate I went to college in order to return to my former community to create legitimate jobs so that our young people would not have to become career criminals. In 2005 and 2010 I was denied rental space from black capitalist who only wants to keep our people misinformed and to hold them hostage to a life of poverty. This is why I decided to write and published my book.  My book is the foundation of my private for profit service base business the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. I also wrote my book to generate capital/seed money instead of taking out a business loan. For I have something that no one else has in America the answer to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality within the communities and cities we will serve if given a chance.
I also want to offer incentives to thirty talented individuals within the state of Illinois or beyond who have read my book and agree with my plan/vision on improving Urban America, for them to come to Chicago and work with me directly in  getting my organization up and running. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will solve our social problems such as institutionalized racism, structural inequality, and police brutality instead of reacting or complaining about these issues which has been going on since the Civil Rights Era. Our motto will be one mind, one voice, one accord. We will solve our social issues once and for all.
I am asking every person on my friends list to work with me by purchasing my book and spreading my book information, my Youtube videos, and my organization website on your page. Those who disagree with my cause please delete me off your friends list we can remain strangers for life this is how I get down. Those of you who agree with my cause are more than welcome to join my free online social groups to promote your business/ministry but you must keep the lines of communication open with me. As soon as I have my team (thirty people within the state of Illinois or beyond) in place and we find a place of business in Chicago I will invite you to come and meet and greet our clients and members in person. You can promote your business/ministry for three months free of charge just as long as you can prove that you purchase my book.
+ I am asking all High School Students, College Students, and University Students to encourage your schools and colleges administrators to allow me to come on campus and speak about my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition in the month of February. This should be enough time in advance for the school to purchase and read over my book before I come and do my presentation. I provide my contact information within the book.
+ I am asking those of you who are active in your Church or your Mosque to encourage your spiritual leader to allow me to come speak to your congregation. Please don’t wait until I die before accepting my vision work with me while I am still alive for GRCAM is much more than just a new movement in Black America GRCAM is also a new system. No one in the United States knows GRCAM better than me. Once my book gets on the best seller list I plan on turning my book into a movie.  Those of you who are in my groups will have an opportunity to be in my movie. You will have to attend our auditions. If you don’t make the cut don’t trip we will be holding other upcoming films. We will also be seeking models of all shapes and sizes for my organization. You don’t have to be a professional model to participate I prefer amateurs to give everyone a chance to show the world your talent and skills. All law abiding citizens, all racial groups, and undiscovered artist are welcome in my organization.
+ I am asking all of my international friends and associates in Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands to purchase and read my book for yourself. If you agree with what I am trying to do for our racial group in America and eventually in your country then by all means share my book information with your family; friends; associates; spiritual leaders in your country and those who are living abroad.  I need to start my organization in my city (Chicago) and in America first for credibility purposes and also so that my creator will be glorified. As soon as I have my team (thirty people within the state of Illinois or beyond) in place and we find a place of business in Chicago then I will expand my organization in twenty five other cities within twenty five states.
Once my organization is established in twenty five states then I will come to your country and offer private employment within my organization to people that want and need our services. We will also provide agricultural technology to countries they need them.  I will only be working with those who are in agree with the principles in my book. GRCAM is my contribution back to my community and throughout the African Diaspora. Real  Christian Socialist Online
My You Tube Video
My Book Link on
My Organization GRCAM

Thursday, January 2, 2014

(Intellectual Property From Above)

After twenty two years of rejections by established black organizations in my city and online I decided to write and published my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition. As well as to recruit thirty talented individuals within the state of Illinois or beyond who have read my book and agree with my plan on improving Urban America, for them to come to Chicago and work with me directly in starting my private for profit service base business the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. This organization is a spin off from Dr. King’s “Poor People’s March.” What set apart my organization from those that currently exist is that our focus on the Black Family and also to provide basic services to the low income African American Community.

We will also provide private employment to our clients and members pending on our budget and our sponsorship.  Finally, we will heal from the scars of slavery by dealing head on with the Willie Lynch Mentality that is destroying our racial group. We will confront all conspiracy theories that is causing a lot of distrust among our people. I want to make sure that no one else experience the negative experience I had just to start a business in the black community. We will also offer a spiritual guidance to those who want to truly know God without man made denominations. For my creator has given me the answer to solve gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality within the communities and cities we will serve if given a chance. I want to encourage our professional black middle class brothers and sisters to join me and help make this organization effective and successful for years to come. Once we’re established in Chicago I plan on expanding my organization to 25 other cities within 25 states. Once we’re established in 25 states I plan to expand my organization abroad to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. We will solve our social problems once and for all our motto: one mind, one voice, one accord.

Once I am able to generate enough capital from my book sell and I have my team in place and we find a place of business in Chicago, those of you who are my group members are more than welcome to come to Chicago and meet me and our clients/members to advertise your business/ministry just as long as you are keeping the lines of communication open with me and you are active in my groups. My organization is open to Christians, Muslims, and Secular People as well as all law abiding citizens, all racial groups, and all undiscovered artist. However, everyone must accept all of the principles in my book no exceptions.

I am asking everyone on my friends list to show your support by purchasing my book and reading my story for yourself.  If you agree with my plan/vision on improving Urban America than post your comments on my facebook wall or on Google Plus. Also join my free online groups and network with my supporters from around the globe. I also encourage you to post my Youtube video, my book link, and my organization on your page and also share my book information with your family; friends; associates; spiritual leaders; teachers; and anyone else who are concerned about black issues.

Once my book becomes on the best sellers list I will turn my book into a movie. Those of you who are on my friends list, in my groups, and have purchase my book will have a chance to be in my movie. I will inform you about our auditions. If you don’t make the cut don’t worry I will be making future movies, plays, as well as our professional modeling positions of all shapes and sizes to represent my organization. Although this book is about my personal experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago it’s also about the future of Black America. I want everyone under my leadership to reach their personal life goals. This is my contribution back to my community and throughout the African Diaspora. Real Christian Socialist Online
My You Tube Video

My Book Link on

My Google Plus Fan Page

My Organization GRCAM