
Friday, March 30, 2012

(My Intented Audience)

I'm seeking 30 people In the United States who are concerned about black issues to be on my board of directors/my advisory board in order to get the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement up and running this year starting in Chicago.

Organizational Overview:

GRCAM is an online organization aimed at recruiting the best and brightest people in America to help manage this new movement in Black America so that I can move from behind a computer into my former community in Chicago. I want you to first read my entire book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then I want to personally hear from you.  I am also seeking others in the media business with experience in making movies or documentaries for us to discuss turning my book into a film in order for me to reach the masses beyond cyberspace. I also want to develop a personal relationships with those of you who will purchase my book or who believe in my vision to send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers than send me your Yahoo email and we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. Without black support financial elites will remain in power and continue to raise taxes and urban terrorist will continue to terrorize our community. The choice is yours I am ready to lead.

Priority Goals:

I plan on starting my child daycare business currently looking for rental space on the Westside of Chicago in order to generate revenue so that I can move forward in working on the major projects I discuss in my book. Once I have my child daycare business established then I plan on starting my alternative school which will offer four classes an acting class, journalism, oil painting, and a music workshop. In time GRCAM will focus on three main components: social service component, spiritual component, and political component. Our focus is on single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income families that reside in the black ghetto/ the hood with basic resources so that they can raise their family with dignity and in peace. Unlike other organizations that do a partial part of addressing the issue we will focus on the entire black family from infants to senior citizens and the environment. We will also start a new political party on the local level “Democratic Socialist party” focus on local issues and changing the current gun laws once city one state at a time.  


I only require a two year degree to be on my board of directors. I prefer that my board members will have experience in advocacy, journalism, Accountants, Business Administrators, Bankers, Marketers, Social Workers, Financial Planners, Lawyers, Real Estate Brokers, Insurance Agents, Human Resource Consultants, Business Consultants, Grant Writers. In contrast, I want others without degrees to also have a voice in my organization to be on my advisory board. Must be successful in leading staff, developing a culture of collaboration and managing organizational change. Demonstrate skills in strategic thinking, planning, and prioritization.

My You Tube Video:

My Organization GRCAM:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

(Open Season On Black Males In America: We’re becoming an endanger specie)

I predict that the neighborhood watchman that killed Trayvon Martin will be found not guilty by his peers, in which will cause a riot that will lead to more death among our people.  Everyday someone is killed in the hood of Chicago and it rarely gets to the media. I want more than just people purchasing my book and reading it. I want you to interact with me too. After you have read the entire book and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles in my book then send me your name and number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers with me then send me your Yahoo email so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. I only have three people out of 3,000 plus people on my friends list  on my advisory board. Join my cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.” And my Yahoo group “The Grass Roots Community Activist Group” until I generate enough revenue to get rental space or until I am able to afford to purchase my own building to start my organization in the community.  

Once the media coverage dies down the problem of racial profiling will continue and more black males will continue to die because our people have become Americanized. Please tell your family and friends about me and what I’ve been doing for the past 20 years. Encourage those who care about black issues to read my story and if they agree with my vision to send me a friend request along with their name and number to my facebook inbox.  The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement seek to unit our middle class, our working class, and our underclass brothers and sisters to reclaim,  rebuild and restore our community; our family; our people. GRCAM also welcome non blacks to help us with our cause, I can’t do this alone this is why I wrote my book because I have no support from established black organizations in Chicago they view me as a competitor. How long Black America must I wait on you to join GRCAM and help turn my vision to end gun violence in America?   

My You Tube Video:


Chicago Homicide:

My Book Links:

Amazon -

Barnes and Noble -

Xlibris -

My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

My Organization GRCAM:

My Yahoo Group: (The Grass Roots Community Activist Group)

Monday, March 26, 2012

(The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement Begins Now)

Trayvon Martin represents Emmett Louis Till  an African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. His death spark the Civil Rights Movement. This high profile case is a wakeup call to all African Americans in this country that we must start working together otherwise more and more of our children will continue to be massacred across the country. I have been doing my best at trying to get  black organizations to partner with me and help me get GRCAM up and running in Chicago for the past twenty years.

My creator has given me the answer on how to end gun violence, poverty, and structural inequality in America and when I share my vision with them they tend to brush it off as non-sense.  We see that nothing is working to end gun violence in our society why not give my organization a chance? This is why I wrote my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" This book is an auto-biography about my personal experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago ghettos. In chapter two I discuss how I was almost killed by three white guys but I was able to fight off my attackers.

Another reason why I wrote this book is to promote my organization which is the solution that was given to me by my creator "The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement" It has three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. In GRCAM we will create our own political party at the local level called the (democratic socialist party) they will be elected by the community and they will fight to change our current gun laws at the local level.

The third reason I wrote this book is to generate revenue so that I can start working on the major projects I discuss in the book. We are still under capitalism I have to pay rental space, my employees, and utilities. What makes people uncomfortable about this organization is that everyone must agree with all of the principles in my book. We must have one mind and one voice in order to make GRCAM effective for our people nationwide. Those are convicted of a gun crime we don’t want them to go to jail instead we want them to be strip of their U.S. citizenship and deported to the North Pole. Three month supply of food and that’s all.  We would build a large shelter for them over there this will send a strong message to those who continue to terrorize our people on a daily basis.  There will be few exceptions if someone is caught inside your home you have a right to protect your family from an invader.

Some people tell me that’s not Christian what a Christian should do you should show love and compassion what about love your enemies?  I tell them that Adam and Eve was kick out of the garden God still loved them but we have to keep those who want to due  harm to our women and children away from society.  Our social service component we will work directly with the entire family from infants to senior citizens with child care and adult care. If  I can get enough people involve I want GRCAM to be in every city in America. In order to unite the hood nationwide. We would provide employment within the organization to those that seek work. We will teach those who are business minded how to start their business from A to Z. I will only hire those who are our clients or our members.

Once GRCAM  comes to power in the United States you don’t have to pay anymore taxes. GRCAM is a new system and only those that agree with my vision will reap the benefits after all people have free will. GRCAM is open to Christians, Muslims, and Secular people. As well as other racial groups. However, everyone must agree with all of the principles and sign a consent form. All of my future clients and members will be placed in our data base so that I can be sure that everyone is doing their part to help make GRCAM effective and successful for years to come. Although it has came to my attention that my book was not edited I believe that was intentional I still encourage my supporters to read the entire book. I am unable to sue because I lack funds to do so. To make matters worse I have dyslexia which means I see some words backwards. Once I am able to find another publisher who will be within reason I will give those of you who can prove that you have purchased the original I will give you a free copy of the second edition. 

I want to bypass all of the formalities by having you read my story and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles than send me your name and number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers than send me your Yahoo email so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype. You don’t have to wait until I find a physical building you can join my free online groups and network with my supporters from around the globe.  Those who disagree with my vision you can still use my web journal to find things but I want you to delete me from your friends list we can remain strangers for life.

You Tube Videos:

My Cause: (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

My Organization GRCAM:

My Yahoo Groups:

Friday, March 23, 2012

(New Chapter In Black America GRCAM Waiting No Longer)

Reality Check: We still live in a racist society. Again if we as black men are not being killed by our own we are being killed by others. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos is not just limited to the hood but also outside of the hood too. We are the only race that don't do group economics. The only time we come together is when racism is in the spot light like Jena 6 & Hurricane Katrina.

GRCAM will be for our people but only those who accept my vision and all of the principles in my book. I currently working on having my business plan revised once it is spotless I will present it to my bank and several others. If I am unable to get investors than I will seek a loan, if I am denied then I will seek a reasonable publisehr to revised and re-publish the second edition of my book. I will then push my revised book until it becomes a best seller and then I will use my revenue to start working on major projects I speak of in my book. I will only hire those who are part of GRCAM (future clients/ and members) this is a private organization. Once GRCAM is established in Chicago I will set up chapters in every city in America until the hood is united nationwide. Then I plan on expanding GRCAM to the African continent, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands.

GRCAM will change the way we will do business in Black America. GRCAM embrace our value as Black People. It's my hope that I can find others who are as passionate about bring jobs and services to our people that are trapped in American ghettos. GRCAM is my gift my to my people. I can't lead this organization alone its been 20 years in the making. We will teach Black Economic Power and Black Education. I thank God for my rejections by our own for it makes me fight even harder without shame. Teaching those under my leadership about Christian socialism, about Democratic socialism, about financial intelligence, about my personal humiliation and rejection by established black organizations in Chicago and in cyberspace. Those that accept my vision and all of my principles in my book I will work with you and your immediate family for life.

You Tube Videos:

My Cause:                 (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

My  Yahoo Groups:

My Organization GRCAM:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Hood Visionary: The Kingdom OF Light Is Near

Dear Cyber friends & associates

I call upon all my Christian brothers & sisters to pray for me this day for I have three churches in my former community of Austin that are interested in doing a partnership with my child daycare business. Pray to the Lord that he would allow me to select the church that would accept my vision he has given me and that GRCAM will turn into a reality. Pray that the Lord allow me to not rush into signing any contracts/ lease until I weigh all options. Finally pray that the blood of Jesus cover me while I travel to and from my destination.

For 20 years I've been sharing my vision with established black organizations in Chicago but they refuse to work with me just like on all of the social networks I am  apart of.  I can't wait on Black America anylonger to many of our children are being murdered by the thousands across the country. My creator has given me the answer to end gun violence in America starting in Chicago. This task is to big for one man alone this is why I wrote my story " "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" This book is an auto-biography about my personal experience growing up in the inner city of Chicago ghettos. I was chased out of my community by criminals and thugs who despised my vision.

I wrote my book to promote my organization (The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement)  In time I plan on expanding my organization to the Southside of Chicago and eventually in every city and in  every ghetto in America. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement has three main components: social service, spiritual, and political.  We will work directly with  single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families that reside in the black ghettos  The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement (GRCAM) is a Democratic Socialist Organization aimed at liberating my people that are trapped in America ghettos. It is my hope to reach reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who will accept  my vision and all of the principles in my book to work with me directly.

I encourage you to support my cause (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos) by purchasing my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." Read the entire book and if you agree with my vision and all of the principles in chapter ten If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in chapter ten then I want to personally hear from you. Send me your name and contact number to my facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers with me than send me your Yahoo email so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype.

There are several ways for you to remain in contact with me should my page become sabotaged:
 1. Send me your name and Yahoo email address to my g-mail
state which social network we’re friends on.
 2. Connect with me on Skype my screen name is manwell4mankind.
 3. Join my Google, MSN, or Yahoo Groups.
 4. My Facebook Fan Page!/newurbanauthorandnewhoodvisionary

My Organization GRCAM:

My BlogTalkRadio:
My Book Links:

Barnes And Noble -

Google Books:

Xlibris -

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Solution To End Gun Violence, Poverty, And Structural Inequality In Urban

Dear Cyber friends and associates

What is it about my message that causes others to sabotage my postings? My Twitter account has been canceled my book link on has been deleted. If people on my page would only take my message serious and read my story they will understand what I’ve been saying all these years and come to the light. 

I am not sure how long my Facebook account will remain this is my third account and my last account. IF you are serious about learning more about my cause  “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos,” my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America," and my organization the (Grass Roots Community Activist Movement) than I suggest that you purchase my book and read the entire book. If you agree with my vision and all of the principles in chapter ten then I want to personally hear from you. Send me your name and contact number to my Facebook inbox. If you are not comfortable with exchanging numbers with me than send me your Yahoo email so that we can chat live on Yahoo Messenger or on Skype.

I am looking for  30 people in the United States who agree with my vision to join my Board of Directors or my Advisory Board to come to Chicago and help me get GRCAM up and running.  I am also seeking investors to come to Chicago and meet with me and my attorney. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will create its own political party, it will also become a corporation that will expand into real estate and creating nonprofits within Urban America. I will give 30% of my business in exchange for $100,000 serious inquires only.

I am also seeking others with experience in the media field such as journalist and producers of documentaries because I want my book to become a movie in order to reach the masses. I am also looking for another publishing company to publish my revised book. GRCAM will end gun violence in America if given a chance.  You don’t have to live in the hood or live in America to join my online group (the grass roots community activist group on Yahoo).

There are several ways for you to remain in contact with me should my page become

1. Send me your name and Yahoo email address to my g-mail  state which social network we’re friends on.

2. Connect with me on Skype my screen name is manwell4mankind.

3.  Join my  Google, MSN, or Yahoo Groups.

My organization GRCAM: