
Saturday, December 4, 2010

True To My Calling: Seeking Reasonable Brothers, Sisters, And Others To Join My Cause

Dear friends & associates,

Long time no see how is everybody? I am bless to share with you all once again about how my higher power has given me a special assignment to start a new school in the hood. I am currently reading books that The Lord has instructed me to read and that is "How To Start A Business In Illinois" "How To Run A Thriving Business" and "Form Your Own Limited Liability Company" It's not easy reading at all because of all of the tax requirements and technical language involved. Before I jump into the business world I want to educate myself about the pros and cons. I can't wait for my book to make it to the best sellers list I have to move ahead. I can't wait on black established organizations to partner with me because this is my vision and my organization. I can't wait on career politicians to help fund my organization because they want credit for their part and dictate what I can and can't do if I want their funding for support. I am not a begger if you want to be part of the winning team then contact me I'm on Facebook; Myspace; Tagged; Black Planet etc... send me your first name and a contact number for me to reach you.

Given the current circumstances with our economy with corporate CEO's making record profits while the rest of us, things aren't quite so cheery. A record one in seven Americans is living in poverty. Nearly 27 million Americans who want to work cannot find a job or full-time work. There is only one job available for every five people who need work. Things are getting worse another 800,000 people got their last unemployment check because Congress failed to extend unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed before yesterday's deadline.

By the end of the year, 2 million will lose their benefits. Another 1 million will lose benefits in January. That's on top of the estimated one million who already timed-out of the extended insurance, or the millions more who couldn't qualify in the first place. The Lord has given me vision on how to correct this problem which is outline in my book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." I have the answer to the unemployment crisis and I have an agenda for full and fair employment. I will be starting a new political organization in the hood called "The Democratic Socialist Party."

I'm still trying to build a coalition of allies to extend long-term unemployment benefits, but so far Congress has yet to act. I hope we can get petitions signed, organize rallies, and write our Senators, and State Representatives. Congress needs to hear your voice call them at (877) 662-2889 Congress has never before failed to extend benefits to the long-term jobless when unemployment rates were so high. So why are they blocking them now? I explain in my book that Conservative Republicans claim that they can't extend unemployment benefits because they're worried about the budget deficit.

Yet these are the same members of Congress who want to extend Bush's tax cuts to millionaires - a move that would cost $700 billion. Even some of the wealthy admit they should be paying more in taxes. The best way back to economic health and to decrease the budget deficit is to eliminate the jobs deficit. Until there are enough jobs, the best way to keep our economy going is to extend unemployment benefits to the long term unemployed. Please read my other entry to learn more about me and what I do for others online who accept my hand of friendship. Peace & blessings.

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