Dear friends & associates:
This is Emmanuel Barbee I am a new urban author of "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." Thus far I have sold only fifty books which is far less than what I expected to achieve by using online bookstores. Out of 125,000 people that I network with on various social networks on a weekly basis surely more books should have been sold what's wrong with this picture? Please don't wait until I am dead to make this book a best seller.
Again the purpose of my book and my nonprofit organization is to create a new movement in Black America. The proceeds from my book would allow me to purchase my own place of business and hire my future staff to help me run this organization "The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement." My organization begins where The Civil Rights Movement left off which was "The Poor People's Campaign."
The goal is for me to create jobs and new businesses in the hood to reduce the genocide of our people that are trapped in American ghettos. I want to put an end to the genocide in the black ghettos by offering legitimate jobs to our youths as an alternative to the drug game. My higher power has instructed me to move from behind the scenes and share my personal story in book form with those who want to be part of the solution. I am not a preacher my task is to provide employment and offer spiritual guidance to those who would like to receive those services. Every person that join this movement must accept the principles behind this movement no exceptions. To learn more about the principles you have to read the book. For accountability and creditability purposes no active criminals, no active gang members, and no half steppers allowed.
Attention Chicago land residents: I am currently working on establishing my nonprofit organization in Chicago first from the proceeds I earn from my book. In time I hope to expand it to every ghetto in America God willing. I am looking for dedicated brothers, sisters, and others to join my board of directors. The positions that are currently available are vice president, officers, secretary; and a treasurer. In addition, I prefer if you have at least a two year college degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Law social work; grant writers, ministers; and other professionals.
Those of you who are currently looking for employment consider working for me? People from all over the country are welcome to join us and assist me in getting this organization up and running. All you have to do is purchase my book and e-mail me your first name and a contact number for me to call you. Once my book start selling and my organization is officially up and operating I am willing to work with you and your immediate family members for life as long as you remain cool with me and keep the lines of communication open with me that's just how I do.
Please read my latest journal entries "Manwell: Legacy Builder In Progress" and "Real Talk: Manwell's Rescue Plan" to learn more in depth about me and my vision for Black America and America In general. Those of you who are uninterested in black issues no love lost you can delete me from your friends list we can remain strangers. The following links below will direct you to specific information that will help you find my online books, and my online groups.
My book promotional ad:
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement:
My Google Profile: I provide the links to the online book stores that carry my book (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris) It should also be available at major book stores too. I suggest that you compare the different prices and select the one that best fit your budget.
My Prayer Group: Light OF The World Inspirational Group
My Community Activist Group:
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
(Manwell: Legacy Builder In Progress)
Dear friends & associates
I am truly grateful to network with so many of you. My hope is that I can gather all of you from various social networks into my main two online groups: "Light OF The World Inspirational Group" or "The Community Activist Group." I am also grateful that you all have accepted my hand of friendship.
What set me apart from most brothers online is that I am trying to start a new positive movement in Black America. The purpose of me writing "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" was for me to recruit reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who will help me create and bring jobs to the hood/ ghetto.
I am in the process of gathering my information to submit to the state authorities so that they can approve my nonprofit organization "The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement" we begin where The Civil Rights Movement ended "The Poor People's Campaign." Of course, under capitalism I need funding in order to hire my future staff and provide services in the hood. I am seeking professional people with backgrounds in Business Administration, Accounting, Law students, and grant writers from all over the country to help me get this organization up and running. My goal for starting this organization is as follows:
* To create jobs in the hood for both at-risk youths and for ex-felons.
* To provide resources for Black single mothers and Black single fathers in the areas of after school programs for their children, and employment training.
* To educate the community about Democratic Socialism.
* Provide drug treatment program.
* Offer inter-faith services.
I am not a salesman I won't hound you about buying my book. If you are able to then please go right ahead so that I can use those proceeds to start my non-profit organization and make my vision of Black America a reality I explain in depth in my book. I am not accepting any donations at this time until I have a place of business to operate from.
If you are unable to purchase my book at this time don't fret just read at least five latest journal entries and if this sounds like something you would be interested in then join one of my online groups so that you can interact with me directly and my supporters. All you have to do is e-mail me your first name and leave me a contact number to reach you. Also in the subject heading state either "Business Related" which means you are willing to help me get this organization up and running. Or write "Client" meaning that you would like to become a future client once my organization is established.
My book promotional ad:
My Google Profile: I provide the links to the online book stores that carry my book Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris) It should also be available at major book stores too. I suggest that you compare the different prices and select the one that best fit your budget.
You can also connect with me on Face book:
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement:
I am truly grateful to network with so many of you. My hope is that I can gather all of you from various social networks into my main two online groups: "Light OF The World Inspirational Group" or "The Community Activist Group." I am also grateful that you all have accepted my hand of friendship.
What set me apart from most brothers online is that I am trying to start a new positive movement in Black America. The purpose of me writing "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" was for me to recruit reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who will help me create and bring jobs to the hood/ ghetto.
I am in the process of gathering my information to submit to the state authorities so that they can approve my nonprofit organization "The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement" we begin where The Civil Rights Movement ended "The Poor People's Campaign." Of course, under capitalism I need funding in order to hire my future staff and provide services in the hood. I am seeking professional people with backgrounds in Business Administration, Accounting, Law students, and grant writers from all over the country to help me get this organization up and running. My goal for starting this organization is as follows:
* To create jobs in the hood for both at-risk youths and for ex-felons.
* To provide resources for Black single mothers and Black single fathers in the areas of after school programs for their children, and employment training.
* To educate the community about Democratic Socialism.
* Provide drug treatment program.
* Offer inter-faith services.
I am not a salesman I won't hound you about buying my book. If you are able to then please go right ahead so that I can use those proceeds to start my non-profit organization and make my vision of Black America a reality I explain in depth in my book. I am not accepting any donations at this time until I have a place of business to operate from.
If you are unable to purchase my book at this time don't fret just read at least five latest journal entries and if this sounds like something you would be interested in then join one of my online groups so that you can interact with me directly and my supporters. All you have to do is e-mail me your first name and leave me a contact number to reach you. Also in the subject heading state either "Business Related" which means you are willing to help me get this organization up and running. Or write "Client" meaning that you would like to become a future client once my organization is established.
My book promotional ad:
My Google Profile: I provide the links to the online book stores that carry my book Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris) It should also be available at major book stores too. I suggest that you compare the different prices and select the one that best fit your budget.
You can also connect with me on Face book:
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Real Talk: Manwell's Rescue Plan
(Real Talk: Manwell's Rescue Plan)
Dear friends & associates
This is the speech I was trying to post on You Tube I am having trouble with my webcam. I will keep trying so that others in cyberspace can heed my message and purchase my book and my organization. I may not be the best speaker like others in the public sector but action speaks louder than words and I can back up everything I say to the fullest.
I need you all to come on board and support my new book entitled "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." The purpose of this book is to share my personal experience in the hood and also to share my political views. In addition, I want to promote my nonprofit faith based organization which will create jobs in the hood. Let me give you five reasons why you should purchase my book.
1. You will learn in depth about how my organization will improve the conditions in the ghetto.
2. You will have an opportunity to join my community activist group online. This will allow you to interact with other like minded individuals from around the country who also want to improve the conditions in their community.
3. You would be contributing to the solution and with the proceeds from the book I can begin moving towards finding a facility to operate from instead of siting behind a computer screen.
4. This will be a deterrent to reduce violent crime in the Black Community.
5. Finally, it will make my vision of Black America into a reality because we would put an end to the genocide in American ghettos. To many innocent men, women, and children are slaughtered by senseless violence. If we don't stand up for our brothers and sisters who are trapped in American ghettos who will?
Black progression in this country has come about due to The Civil Rights Movement, legal action, and political struggle. Our country has made some major improvements like accepting and electing our first Black President Barack Obama. In my book I explain how capitalism and classism had affected me on a personal level. My message is aimed at reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who really want to get involved with solving our social conditions at the community level.
My organization is geard toward providing resources to single Black mothers and single Black fathers who reside in the ghetto. Another function my organization will provide services for at-risk youths. Such as after school programs, part time employment for older teens, tutorial services, and parenting classes. My organization is open to all racial groups. However, everyone must accept the principles behind this movement no exceptions. This is an authentic Black organization because we are going to finish where The Civil Rights's Movement left off which was actually the poor people's campaign.
We are going to applie the same principle's that Dr.King used for this day and age. I call upon all grass roots organizations to work with us and share your expertise with us so that we can build up our impoverished community that lack basic resources. I call upon the Asian Community, The Hispanic Community, and The White Working Class Community to help us and support our cause and in turn we will support your cause once our businesses are up and running. Most of all I ask for The Black Middle Class Community to work with me and allow me to make this a successful organization for many years to come.
I was once trapped in the ghetto but I had to leave because few people in the hood wanted to hear my vision on how we can Reclaim, Rebuild, and Restore The Urban Ghetto. I was a victim gang violence, I was mug a few times and I just had it with the senseless violence. My higher power gave me the road map on how to end poverty in America, on how to end gun violence in the inner city and beyond. Finally, my higher power gave me the vision on how to end structural inequality once and for all.
The Black Middle Class have benefited the most from The Civil Rights's Movement while the masses remain in the hood. You all have the professionals I need to run this organization. Capitalism divided us by class and we are further divided based on religion. To my secular friends, my job is not to impose my religion upon you I just want to create jobs in the hood and establish businesses so that we all can share that American dream.
In contrast, to my Christian friends it is my hope and desire that we can work together regardless of denomination. I will be using a spiritual component for those who want to grow stronger in their faith. I am also willing to work with Muslims too because they are part of our community as well. In this organization we won't compete against one another but instead pool our resources together in order to improve our community. The contributing factors that are making the situation worse are failing schools, the drug problem, lack of community investment from the business community, lack of community resources, generational poverty, and good old American capitalism.
The Great Society of the 1960s did not achieve its goal to eliminate poverty and forty years of government solutions towards that end had only exacerbated the problem. My organization aim is to end poverty in this country once and for all.I would like for my organization to be set up here in Chicago first then I want to expand to every ghetto in America. I would like to find people who would be interested in being on my board of directors.
All of my board members are required to purchase my book. I am looking for individuals who have at least a 2 year degree or above to sit on my board of directors. I need a vice president, officers, secretary, and a treasurer. I also need volunteers and people with back grounds in business administration, accounting, law students, and grant writers.
I want my board members to sign a form stating that I have veto power on all decisions being made as it pertains to the business aspect. We promise to conduct our work that is pleasing to the community we serve and to our investors who will assist us in fulfilling this great cause.
We will offer resources to single Black mothers and single Black fathers who reside in the hood.
The Grass Roots Community Activist movement aim is to encourage entrepreneurship in disadvantage black communities. It is our goal to provide experienced business mentors to run our mentoring program for at-risk youths. We will offer seminars and workshops on various topics. I believe that creating local businesses in the hood is the best way to start a local economy and make an improvement in the hood.
In time our organization will tackle a wide range of services across the board such as providing residential substance abuse rehabilitation programs, homeless shelters to the poor, at-risk youth programs; before and after school child care programs; food distribution centers; parenting support programs. I believe that as a results of our services
* It would increase academic performance among students due to improve social environment
* Reduction in jobless due to restored hope and new opportunities to serve
* New business established due to improved neighborhood attitude
* Increased home values due to elevated community standard
In the long run our community would improve our economy and our families. The goal of my organization is to reduce crime, improve test scores and improve our local economy. We want to create stability in the ghetto. I am open to partnership with religious organization just as long as we can keep our identity. We would set bench marks to measure our progress and goals.
My organization will have accountability and creditability among the community we serve. No active criminals, no active gang members, and no half steppers allowed. If my book can help 300,000 Black families trapped in American ghettos than my book was not in vain.
Finally, my book attempts to answer a 400 year old problem and that is American capitalism. I love my country don't get me wrong we have a democracy and we have the right principles in place but I believe that we are under the wrong political system. I am a Christian Socialist and I believe that our last struggle in this country is for us to united with our other fellow Americans who are sick and tired of both the Republican party and the Democratic party both have been in existence since slavery. It's time for America to become a Democratic Socialist country and I explain why in my book.
Those who accept the principles behind this movement I will work with you and your immediate family members for life as long as you keep the lines of communication open and you remain cool with me. I strongly recommend that you read the entire book first before you decide to join this cause. After you have read the book and you are in agreement with me all you have to do next is e-mail me your first name and your contact number. I provided my e-mail for your convenience. This is my contribution back to my community and my people. The stakes are enormous and only grass roots actions will determine the outcome. If we are doing our job, hurting people will see that there is a God because they will see our good deeds performed in his name.
My other journal:
Dear friends & associates
This is the speech I was trying to post on You Tube I am having trouble with my webcam. I will keep trying so that others in cyberspace can heed my message and purchase my book and my organization. I may not be the best speaker like others in the public sector but action speaks louder than words and I can back up everything I say to the fullest.
I need you all to come on board and support my new book entitled "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America." The purpose of this book is to share my personal experience in the hood and also to share my political views. In addition, I want to promote my nonprofit faith based organization which will create jobs in the hood. Let me give you five reasons why you should purchase my book.
1. You will learn in depth about how my organization will improve the conditions in the ghetto.
2. You will have an opportunity to join my community activist group online. This will allow you to interact with other like minded individuals from around the country who also want to improve the conditions in their community.
3. You would be contributing to the solution and with the proceeds from the book I can begin moving towards finding a facility to operate from instead of siting behind a computer screen.
4. This will be a deterrent to reduce violent crime in the Black Community.
5. Finally, it will make my vision of Black America into a reality because we would put an end to the genocide in American ghettos. To many innocent men, women, and children are slaughtered by senseless violence. If we don't stand up for our brothers and sisters who are trapped in American ghettos who will?
Black progression in this country has come about due to The Civil Rights Movement, legal action, and political struggle. Our country has made some major improvements like accepting and electing our first Black President Barack Obama. In my book I explain how capitalism and classism had affected me on a personal level. My message is aimed at reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who really want to get involved with solving our social conditions at the community level.
My organization is geard toward providing resources to single Black mothers and single Black fathers who reside in the ghetto. Another function my organization will provide services for at-risk youths. Such as after school programs, part time employment for older teens, tutorial services, and parenting classes. My organization is open to all racial groups. However, everyone must accept the principles behind this movement no exceptions. This is an authentic Black organization because we are going to finish where The Civil Rights's Movement left off which was actually the poor people's campaign.
We are going to applie the same principle's that Dr.King used for this day and age. I call upon all grass roots organizations to work with us and share your expertise with us so that we can build up our impoverished community that lack basic resources. I call upon the Asian Community, The Hispanic Community, and The White Working Class Community to help us and support our cause and in turn we will support your cause once our businesses are up and running. Most of all I ask for The Black Middle Class Community to work with me and allow me to make this a successful organization for many years to come.
I was once trapped in the ghetto but I had to leave because few people in the hood wanted to hear my vision on how we can Reclaim, Rebuild, and Restore The Urban Ghetto. I was a victim gang violence, I was mug a few times and I just had it with the senseless violence. My higher power gave me the road map on how to end poverty in America, on how to end gun violence in the inner city and beyond. Finally, my higher power gave me the vision on how to end structural inequality once and for all.
The Black Middle Class have benefited the most from The Civil Rights's Movement while the masses remain in the hood. You all have the professionals I need to run this organization. Capitalism divided us by class and we are further divided based on religion. To my secular friends, my job is not to impose my religion upon you I just want to create jobs in the hood and establish businesses so that we all can share that American dream.
In contrast, to my Christian friends it is my hope and desire that we can work together regardless of denomination. I will be using a spiritual component for those who want to grow stronger in their faith. I am also willing to work with Muslims too because they are part of our community as well. In this organization we won't compete against one another but instead pool our resources together in order to improve our community. The contributing factors that are making the situation worse are failing schools, the drug problem, lack of community investment from the business community, lack of community resources, generational poverty, and good old American capitalism.
The Great Society of the 1960s did not achieve its goal to eliminate poverty and forty years of government solutions towards that end had only exacerbated the problem. My organization aim is to end poverty in this country once and for all.I would like for my organization to be set up here in Chicago first then I want to expand to every ghetto in America. I would like to find people who would be interested in being on my board of directors.
All of my board members are required to purchase my book. I am looking for individuals who have at least a 2 year degree or above to sit on my board of directors. I need a vice president, officers, secretary, and a treasurer. I also need volunteers and people with back grounds in business administration, accounting, law students, and grant writers.
I want my board members to sign a form stating that I have veto power on all decisions being made as it pertains to the business aspect. We promise to conduct our work that is pleasing to the community we serve and to our investors who will assist us in fulfilling this great cause.
We will offer resources to single Black mothers and single Black fathers who reside in the hood.
The Grass Roots Community Activist movement aim is to encourage entrepreneurship in disadvantage black communities. It is our goal to provide experienced business mentors to run our mentoring program for at-risk youths. We will offer seminars and workshops on various topics. I believe that creating local businesses in the hood is the best way to start a local economy and make an improvement in the hood.
In time our organization will tackle a wide range of services across the board such as providing residential substance abuse rehabilitation programs, homeless shelters to the poor, at-risk youth programs; before and after school child care programs; food distribution centers; parenting support programs. I believe that as a results of our services
* It would increase academic performance among students due to improve social environment
* Reduction in jobless due to restored hope and new opportunities to serve
* New business established due to improved neighborhood attitude
* Increased home values due to elevated community standard
In the long run our community would improve our economy and our families. The goal of my organization is to reduce crime, improve test scores and improve our local economy. We want to create stability in the ghetto. I am open to partnership with religious organization just as long as we can keep our identity. We would set bench marks to measure our progress and goals.
My organization will have accountability and creditability among the community we serve. No active criminals, no active gang members, and no half steppers allowed. If my book can help 300,000 Black families trapped in American ghettos than my book was not in vain.
Finally, my book attempts to answer a 400 year old problem and that is American capitalism. I love my country don't get me wrong we have a democracy and we have the right principles in place but I believe that we are under the wrong political system. I am a Christian Socialist and I believe that our last struggle in this country is for us to united with our other fellow Americans who are sick and tired of both the Republican party and the Democratic party both have been in existence since slavery. It's time for America to become a Democratic Socialist country and I explain why in my book.
Those who accept the principles behind this movement I will work with you and your immediate family members for life as long as you keep the lines of communication open and you remain cool with me. I strongly recommend that you read the entire book first before you decide to join this cause. After you have read the book and you are in agreement with me all you have to do next is e-mail me your first name and your contact number. I provided my e-mail for your convenience. This is my contribution back to my community and my people. The stakes are enormous and only grass roots actions will determine the outcome. If we are doing our job, hurting people will see that there is a God because they will see our good deeds performed in his name.
My other journal:
Sunday, May 9, 2010
My Book Ad.
Dear friends and associates
First of all, I would like to send a Happy Mother's Day to you al I have nothing but love for ya. Secondly, I would like to share with you all about my book Ad. The commercial will be running on Monday May 10th through May 20th On WVON. There will be 3 commercials during the Santita Jackson Show, from 9:00AM-12PM. Central Time. There will be 3 additional commercials during the Al Sharpton show from 12:00PM-3:00PM Central Time. And during the evening there will be 2 commercials running on the Charles Butler show between 7:00PM -10PM Central Time.
In my next You Tube Video I will explain why every reasonable black person and others should buy this book and the reason why we as a people need to reject American Capitalism once and for all. You can listen to WVON live at:
WVON 1690 AM The Talk of Chicago
My You Tube Book Ad:
First of all, I would like to send a Happy Mother's Day to you al I have nothing but love for ya. Secondly, I would like to share with you all about my book Ad. The commercial will be running on Monday May 10th through May 20th On WVON. There will be 3 commercials during the Santita Jackson Show, from 9:00AM-12PM. Central Time. There will be 3 additional commercials during the Al Sharpton show from 12:00PM-3:00PM Central Time. And during the evening there will be 2 commercials running on the Charles Butler show between 7:00PM -10PM Central Time.
In my next You Tube Video I will explain why every reasonable black person and others should buy this book and the reason why we as a people need to reject American Capitalism once and for all. You can listen to WVON live at:
WVON 1690 AM The Talk of Chicago
My You Tube Book Ad:
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