
Thursday, December 18, 2008

(The Revolution Continues - 2009)

"I'M Starting A New Movement In Black America"

The Grass Roots Community Movement - unlike the Civil Right's Movement that

challenge institutionalize racism in America. Our focus is on challenges that face the

Black Community today. Gangs and Gun Violence, Unemplyment, Housing issues,

Poverty, Crime, Drugs, within the Community. We will still use the same principles which

was successful in the Civil Right's Movement that is using a non-violent approach.

All ethnic groups are welcome to join this movement but we will be using an Afrocentric

approach to deal with these problems. My Goal is to encourage those who live inside the

community to network with me from around the country. The primary goal is to organize

and unite the Black Community nationwide and break the shackles of proverty

in our inner city ghettos across the nation. My hope is that this movement can become a

national movement that will provide a unifying network that all existing black organizations

can use. I hope that I can network with people who are serious about the improvement

of impoverish neighborhoods by creating an all black organization with the desire

to improve the community based on my own personal philosophy. We will address the

self- destructive behaviors that generally manifest itself in our communities.

We will work with communities that lack resources. This movement is based on reducing

violence in all forms and provide a anti-violence plan. Gang prevention, job training

programs, apprenticeship programs, and after-school activities. Once I meet with all

the black leaders in the community and black businesses in Chicago I will then start a

Nonprofit organization starting in Chicago and eventually across the country that will

hire all those within the community that is under my leadership.

• Raise millions annually through a $3 per month parcel tax dedicated solely to gang

prevention and after-school programs. Funding will be used to provide vocational, job

training and apprenticeship programs.

• Expand and improve after-school programs including tutoring/mentoring in reading, math,

science, art and music instruction.

• Coordinate youth neighborhood cleanup programs, and graffiti removal.

• Mandate an a Citzen's Oversight Committee, ensuring accountablility and effectivness.

More over, I want ordinary people from within and outside the community and others

committed to educating our youth about the alternatives to violence, durgs, and especially

gun violence. Our mission is not to violate the second amendment rights of law-abiding

citizens, but to remove the guns from the hands of our youth, and criminals.

We must continue to advocate, and demand that our local,state, and government

officials that we have a serious gun violence epidemic in our communities.

These problems leads to both physical and emotional addictions

such as drug addiction & alcohol abuse, suicidal lifestyles.

This Movement will function as a facilitator. In time I would like to partner with out

reach ministries, advocacy groups within the community. I have created an expansion of this

group on two websites Yahoo & Google, where people can network with other individuals, and

organizations that are able to provide assistance and resources. Turning my visions into reality

by doing something and giving back to my community & my people. I ask The Lord what

can I do to help improve my community and uplift our people

nationwide read my up coming book to find the answer. Today in the Black low income

communities across this country is suffering. They suffer or have suffered from all types of

abuse. Overcoming these objections in life can be very difficult for anyone who have yet to learn

how to break the chains of poverty. This Grass Roots Community Movement is here to be the

bridge to women and men by letting them know that they are not alone. I want

to teach Black Women and Black Men to acknowledge themselves as

powerful beings. To teach our Brothers and Sisters to loved, honored and

respect themselves. Acknowledge that what they did yesterday doesn't have to

be what they are today. This is what GOD has given me to do and everything

he brought us through is for a purpose.

On my Web Journal you will find Legal Referrals, Careers, Food and Clothing

Assistance, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation, Education and Skills Training,

Housing and Shelter Referrals. Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring. Again This is

geared toward the Black Community. My purpose and intent is to uplift our People and improve

our inner city low income - high crime communities and hire all that want to work for my

organization. I would encourage more Black business owners to open /keep their

businesses in the hood. In addition, we must hold our elected officials

your mayor, your governor, and your state representatives accountable for not

improving the conditions in our communities too. All we have to do is

circulate a petition and have people to sign it around your community and then

send a copy to your elected officials about what your community is

lacking and if your petition is ignored just vote those persons out of office. But

we need people to be involved, to be a registered voter. We have an

opportunity to improve the lives of others in this country as long as we use this

technology effectively. It's up to you if you want to be apart of this great vision that the Lord

has given me to share with the Black Community. I don't want to hide behind a computer in

time I want to be out in the field and start this organization after I complete the

book. I want to meet everyone who have join this movement. If you are really serious about

joining this movement then the first thing you need to do is buy my book and then register to

join the Web Group. God has allowed me to share my Web Journal which has plenty of resources

and referrals for those of you who don't have those support systems in your area.

God bless you all who are privilege with having access to the Internet; who have

also allowed me into your life. In order to join my online group you must share the same

values & beliefs that is we are each others keeper. Everyone will be screen to avoid trouble

makers who want anything more then to see us divided and fighting among each other.

Online Group:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Will Anyone Out There Heed 2 The Call?

The Struggle To Find Real Brothers & Sisters That Share My Vision: To Improve Black

Impoverished Neighborhoods In This Country Dear Brothers & SistersI would first like to thank

all of you for accepting my hand of friendship. As 2008 comes near an end, I would like to remind

you all that we as a people have made history again by electing the first Black President of The

United States "President Elect Barack Obama."I urge you all to have patient while President

Elect Obama tackle the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.If change can happen in

the highest office in the land then surely change can also happen in the inner city ghettos across

this country. I agree with President Barack Obama that government can't solve everything we

as American citizens must take responsibility for things we can control within our communities. I

need those of you who are serious and interested in assisting me in leading the fight to Reclaim,

Rebuild, and Restore our impoverished inner city ghettos to stand with me. I feel so honored to

have new members which joined my other group "Light OF The World Inspirational Group." I

am constantly inspired by how many lives they touch online and offline. I still have an open

invitation to my other group "The Grass Roots Community Movement" I would be nice if you all

would join either group but if not would you at least purchase my new book?Another way you

can help is by telling all of your friends, family members, and your neighbors, to purchase my

new book which will be completed by next spring 2009. In this book I will share my personal

experience growing up in the hood. I will provide recommendations to Black Leaders, and Black

Businesses within the community. If the community stand behind me and support this cause I

can then move from behind the computer and create my Non-profit organization that will give

jobs to every person in the community that needs an honest paying job. I will hire you. If you

don't have any skills I will train you. Ask me how? Buy the book to find the answer. One of the

major problem we have is that we don't support Black Businesses. My organization will hire only

those within the community. For example, just like the business owners of Chinese franchises

they hire their own, Mexican Americas hire there own for day labor and landscaping

industry.Like wise I to will hire only those who are from the immediate community. This is the

major reason why other groups are so successful. My book will address the many circumstances

that often lead to unemployment, health problems, and housing instability in our community. In

time, once we get ourcommunity in order then I would reach out to others outside of our

community and assist them with there struggles.My whole purpose for being online is to spread

my message to as many Brothers and Sisters as possible. I share all of my online resources for

those who would like to use them. For example, I share my Web Journal which has all kinds of

information from college scholarships / grants, Housing information around the country, and

Employment information. All I ask in return was that you all would exchange emails with me and

alsojoin one of my online groups so that you can network with others across the country. Change

in the hood will not come from local politicians whose lives have never been touched by poverty.

Change in the hood can only come from within the community. We are all interconnected, when

our children succeed, when our families are healthy, our community become stronger.In this day

and age we all need to take precaution. Before I admit anyone in my group I will screen them

first. Just because a person have dark skin and a nice smile does not mean that they are truly

supportive of the uplifting of our people there are devils in every race. Let's make our new

President proud by joining this new movement. Matthew 25:31-45Web

Web Group: "The Grass Roots Community Movement"

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Taking Authority Over Our Situation

My Web Journals has the best weblinks online. The purpose is me to

communicate with our people all over the world but my primarily focus is

on American issues facing the Black Community today. We have our own

unique challenges, a plethora of solutions and wisdom to spare. This is

our time, and place to share our ideas, concerns, as part of our very own

networking system through technology. Every since the Civil Rights

Movement I wanted to find individuals that is liked minded like me who

want to remain focus and consistent in the fight for the rights of

African-Americans. I’ve been dedicated, committed and steadfast with

putting my ideas online on over 300 social networks.

Our responsibility as (Light OF The World Inspirational Group) is to

recruit positive Black Men and Black Women who would be committed to

spreading our message of unity to those who lack computer Internet

access. In time, We would like to trained, employ and give scholarship

monies to ensure that all of our kids that are able and want to go to

college into a reality. In time, I am willing to come visit each state

if their is a demand by the community; I would be setting up small

workshops and seminars across the country in order for

our communities to become stabilize for a small fee.

I believe that charity begins at home. It would be ashamed for me to take

part in a global ministry and began to rebuild someone elses country when

in so many urban areas in this country are facing an increase in poverty,

homelessness, and not to mention underfunded public school systems for

Blacks and Browns. I have created 2 Yahoo Groups.

Both of my Yahoo groups focus on improving the lives

of people living in the "Black Community" at the grass roots level.

In the group (Grass Roots Community Movement) Non-Christians and other

ethnic groups are welcome to join. It's geared towards ordinary individuals

networking with me and others across the country. We are not affiliated

with any political part. If you want to be apart of this group you are

required to be an active member by participating in group discussions at

least once a week and keep the lines of communication open with me on a

regular basis. Here is the link to this group below.

The Grass Roots Community Movement:

In contrast, In the group (Light OF The World Inspirational Group)

This group main objective is to unite all Black Christians in America

regardless of denomination in order to lead the fight to reclaim, rebuild,

and restore our communities nationwide. It's ordinary individuals

networking with me and others across the country. If you want to be apart

of this group you are required to be an active member by participating in

group discussions at least once a week and keep the lines of communication

open with me on a regular basis. Here is the link to this group below.

Light OF The World Inspirational Group:

For those of you who want to join the fight for our children's education

click on the link below

Community Activist

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Applying The Principles OF Dr. King For The 21st Century

The reason why "Light of The World Inspirational

Group" was created is because God gave me a

vision to create a spiritual group online for

ordinary Black People within our community, where we

can share our experiences and ideas with others

across the country and come up with effective ways to

solve our problems by using the word of God as our

main source. Just like Peter and Paul in the book of

Corinthians's chapter one starting at verse ten Peter

and Paul both received a word of the Lord one was

geared for the Jews and the other was geared toward

the gentiles. Like wise, I've been commission by The

Lord to share the vision to The Black Community.

once we take back our community from the enemy then

this can be a model that other communities in America

can go by. We all want safer neighborhoods to raise

our children. But if we as a people don't do anything

to change our current situation how do you expect for

change to occur? According to God's word he states

that my people parish for the lack of knowledge.

All of us, regardless of socio-economics deserve to

live in a violent free community. Before we can

prepare our children to become responsible adults

and share with them the knowledge and skills to

compete we must first provide a safe environment for

them and unify our community nationwide. In time I

hope and pray that we could emulate part of the Asian

American community. The reason why I focus so much on

The Black Community is because we need healing. It's

people like us who can make a difference in the

outcome of our community. It took brave Brothers and

Sisters to stand up against the injustice during the

sixties now we have our freedom but so many of use

choose a life of crime. We must reject that slave

mentality and stop blaiming others all the time. just

because there is drugs in the community does not mean

we have to buy them. Our group is pro-action, pro-

active, and pro-vision. The goal of this group is to

show you/us that each of us has the power and the

responsibility to make choices that will steer our

lives in the directions we want. Each of us should be

mindful of the choices we make, as well as how we

interact with the world around us. This is not a

social group it's a prayer group. The group is based

on discussions and real life activities. My group

equips participants by empowering them which gives us

the ability to make decisions that will enable us to

improve our neighborhoods and our lives by having a

virtual town hall meetings. This is the beginning of

a learning experience we have chosen to share. We can

waste it. or capitalize on it. But it is important

because of what we are exchanging for it. When this

experience is over, the time will be gone;leaving in

its place business as usual. Together we can make

gains not loss, good not evil, success not failure.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day

regarding what we are going to do about our

community. We can not change our past, we can not

change the fact that people will behave a certain way.

The only thing we can do that is pray to God to touch

our people and for us to change what we can now so

that we make a better tomorrow for our children.

God is ready to help us we just need to take action

and he will do the rest. Please join my spiritual

group and participate in our group discussions and

use our resources to improve your community or your

personal life.

In closing, our Father and our God I just want to

first thank you for choosing me to lead this group

and the great task we are about to do. Thank you for

those who have already joined this group and for those

who are going to join in the future. Satan I demand

you to release our community across this country in

Jesus name. Lord touch each person who is reading this

message and encourage them to spread this message with

there family and friends. Let them know that this is

not a gimmick but authentic. Let them see that you

are still in control and you can still perform

miracles. Let them understand that this group is by

no means a substitute for church but act as an

enhancement to advance your kingdom online. Allow

them to understand that this group has purpose. Lord

I thank you for what you have already done for our

people and what you are about to do for us again.

Heavenly Father before I close please send me God

fearing Black Men to join me in this battle for hearts

and minds and for us to win back our communities

in Jesus name Amen.